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  • Inside the South Korean Labs Churning Out Coronavirus Tests

    After witnessing chaos during the MERS outbreak, South Korea immediately began implementing measures to avoid disaster should another public health crisis occur. Now, as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts much of the world, the country has been able to successfully deploy their new and improved emergency response system – which includes letting hospitals and medical professionals play a larger role – and their accelerated approval system, allowing tests to be created at a more efficient pace.

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  • South Korea has the world's most comprehensive coronavirus data

    In the fight to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic, some countries are only testing the most at-risk people, but South Korea's approach of testing nearly everyone has shown that increased data helps contain the spread. By testing those that are asymptomatic, the country has gathered a more comprehensive assessment of who is spreading the disease and is able to better isolate those individuals.

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  • Why drive-through testing is such an important tool in the coronavirus fight

    Drive-through coronavirus testing sites aren't just safer for all involved, they're also more efficient. Although the limited exposure to hospital personnel and other patients is critical for slowing the spread, drive-throughs, and walk-up tents also allow for more people to be tested at a faster rate by eliminating barriers such as patient intake.

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  • How the U.S. can defeat coronavirus: Heed Asia's lessons from past epidemics

    As much of Europe and the United States are still in the early stages of trying to contain the coronavirus, countries in Asia offer several lessons in mitigation strategies. Rapid government intervention and regulation helped to slow the spread in Taiwan while in South Korea, increased transparency and mass testing – made possible because the country opened the process to the private sector – have shown to have helped flatten the curve of transmission.

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  • Biohackers team up online to help develop coronavirus solutions

    A growing online community of scientists is collaborating in the search for solutions to the coronavirus pandemic. The "DIY biohacking" movement is inspiring the creation of faster tests, new methods for making masks and ventilators, and more.

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  • South Korea's coronavirus success story underscores how the U.S. initially failed

    Unlike the United States, South Korea has seen rapid success in slowing the spread of coronavirus by implementing widespread testing protocols and increasing transparency. Instead of government officials giving updates, public health experts report to the public while throughout the nation pop-up and drive-through testing sites allow for mass-scale testing, all offered free of charge to citizens.

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  • Aggressive testing helps Italian town cut new coronavirus cases to zero

    By testing all residents for coronavirus, a town in Italy was able to isolate both the symptomatic and asymptomatic cases which resulted in the containment of the virus. The initial round of testing indicated that three percent of the population tested positive and those residents were quarantined, as were any people who they had been in contact with. The second round of testing showed that the infected number had declined to less than half a percent.

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  • Coronavirus cases have dropped sharply in South Korea. What's the secret to its success?

    As many countries grapple with the best way to contain the spread of coronavirus, South Korea has risen as an example of what a successful approach could look like. The country has among the highest rates of per-capita testing, which was feasible due to preparations made in the wake of the MERS epidemic in 2015. By leaning on data and enforcing quarantines, the country has slowed the spread, and protected health care workers, too.

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  • Why Singapore is better prepared to handle COVID-19 than SARS

    After Singapore eradicated SARS in 2003, the country put into motion a series of protocols and practices in case of another outbreak. Now, as coronavirus sweeps the world, the country has been able to take quick actions, such as 3D printing face masks and quickly developing a reliable diagnostic test, to mitigate the spread.

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  • Tracking the Coronavirus: How Crowded Asian Cities Tackled an Epidemic

    Singapore among several other countries have been able to contain coronavirus by working to stay ahead of the spread, rather than confront the spread as it happens. Using strategies – some partially built after learning from failure during the SARS outbreak – such as rigorous contact tracing to determine who may have come into contact with an infected individual, these countries have shown, "early intervention is key."

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