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  • Volunteers Bring Coronavirus Testing To Dallas' Southern Sector: 'It's Our Civic And Moral Responsibility'

    To increase COVID-19 testing in one Dallas neighborhood, community leaders, healthcare professionals, and a local church have joined together to implement a testing site directly in the community. Offering 250 free tests per day, the makeshift clinic helps to address the need of community members who may not feel comfortable going to a medical institution that they do not trust.

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  • Philly boosts coronavirus testing access for city residents who need it most

    Philadelphia's local government and health care providers are working to improve access to health care and coronavirus testing in minority and low-income neighborhoods. While a testing center is the newest addition to their efforts, local health care centers have been and will remain a crucial resource for residents to access telehealth services and information.

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  • One Oregon county has widespread COVID-19 testing. Others aren't so lucky.

    A partnership between Oregon State University and the Benton County Health Department has helped one Oregon county implement TRACE – widespread coronavirus testing that is available even for those who don't show symptoms or who haven't been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19. Although projects such as this are not always financially sustainable, grant funding from organizations, foundations, and OSU has helped increase the viability of TRACE.

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  • Lockdown At Terminal Island Federal Prison Curbs Deadly Coronavirus Outbreak

    By rapidly instituting mandatory testing of all inmates at a covid-19-stricken federal prison and segregating ill inmates, authorities reduced the number of new infections within weeks. At one point, nearly 70% of the inmates at the Terminal Island federal prison in San Pedro, California, had tested positive for the coronavirus as it raced through a facility where inmates normally interact constantly in crowded communal areas. As of mid-May, eight inmates had died and more than 500 had recovered.

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  • Why does Germany have such a low number of deaths from Covid-19?

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, Germany has seen some of the lowest death rates in the world. Reasons behind that rate have been attributed to the widespread, accessible testing and subsequent quarantining of individuals who test positive, as well as the country’s health care capacity and infrastructure. While a success story right now, there is worry that the immediate wins may lead to relaxing on protocol and a second wave.

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  • Amid the Coronavirus Crisis, a Regimen for Reëntry

    As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, attention is starting to shift toward reopening and recovery. Looking to healthcare professionals as models for doing so can help. A five-part strategy, tested and implemented at Boston’s Mass General Brigham hospital, has shown promise in its ability to reduce spread amongst hospital workers. It includes: hand-washing, social distancing, mask-wearing, regular health screenings, and cultural shifts toward working better together as communities. Key to this strategy is employing all of the measures in synchronicity.

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  • How has Vietnam, a developing nation in South-East Asia, done so well to combat coronavirus?

    Vietnam has reported less than 300 COVID-19 cases and no related deaths, earning the government and citizens praise for how the country has thus far tackled the spread of the virus. The country's comprehensive methodology of scalable testing, closure of borders, mandatory quarantine, and public messaging such as "staying home is loving your country," resulted Vietnam not just emerging as an outlier for containment, but has also allowed for local businesses and some tourist attractions to reopen.

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  • Parts of Asia that relaxed restrictions without a resurgence in coronavirus cases did these three things

    South Korea and Hong Kong have been able to contain the coronavirus without imposing restrictive lockdowns by implementing an aggressive and widespread testing, data sharing and contact tracing regime. In the case of South Korea, the country was able to not just flatten the curve of coronavirus cases in only 20 days, but also maintain a decrease in cases even after a parliamentary election with record-setting turnout numbers.

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  • In Contrast To Wyoming, Wind River Tribes Counter COVID-19 With Aggressive Measures

    Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes share land, and despite previous disagreements, they collaborated to create one of the state's most effective coronavirus testing clinics. 3,000 people from both tribes have been tested, about 30% of all tests done in Wyoming. The two nations have also helped residents, impacted by casino closures and sharp drops in oil and gas revenues, with special hunting seasons, food supply distributions, and providing quarantine housing. More testing has meant higher cases identified, which has led some to create a narrative blaming Native people for the spread of the virus.

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  • Coronavirus test sites are opening in East Oakland's most impacted neighborhoods

    Rather than send local residents to city-run testing sites in the East Bay of California, clinics in East Oakland are now running their own testing sites to better serve their community. Although one of the sites has already tested nearly 100 people and residents who are underinsured or uninsured can be tested for free, some believe the effort should have started much sooner.

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