Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Helping children: Project aims to shift how community sees black males

    The depiction of young black men in pop culture, music, arts and academia is overwhelmingly negative, and many of the young men internalise that narrative. To change the way the Oakland community views black men, the Office of African American Male Achievement hired more black male teachers to be positive role models both inside the classroom and out in the community.

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  • Schools help Colombians remember what it means to forgive

    Around 2 million Columbians are enrolled in a government funded program aimed at helping people forgive one another. Former guerilla fighters, militants, and victims of violence get together to talk to each other. “I started feeling less rage. I started feeling this pain.”

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  • How one tiny high school hacked Advanced Placement classes

    In 2011, the Colorado Education Initiative (CEI), an education advocacy and research organization, launched the Colorado Legacy Schools project. The program funded innovative ways to increase the number and diversity of students taking AP classes. Instead of applying for funds to train teachers and subsidize test fees, Paonia High teamed up with two nearby schools to more than triple their collective AP offerings. It’s a promising model for rural, resource-limited schools trying to bring more college-prep opportunities to their few students.

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  • Somali-American outreach workers bridge divide between community and government

    Somali-Minnesotans feel that US counter terrorism programs are suspicious of them and thus not there to help. A growing number of Somali-Americans have been recruited by public programs to improve relations between Minnesota’s Somali community and government agencies.

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  • The Empathetic Police Academy

    Susan Rahr, a former sheriff, didn’t agree with the “boot camp atmosphere” of police academies. She also didn’t agree with the tough vigilante, us vs them attitude she observed from her fellow officers, and in school. So, when she became director of the Criminal Justice Training Center she changed the curriculum. The program has become a “national model of how law enforcement officers can be more empathetic to and respectful of the communities they serve without diminishing their own safety.”

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  • Minnesota Somalis work to root out homegrown terror from within

    Somali-Minnesotans are at risk for homegrown extremists but are suspicious of federal investigations in their community. A federal pilot project is using outreach programs to include the Somali community in the solution to reduce violent extremism.

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  • Reconciliation: A Tale of Two Seas

    Sectarian conflict in Bahrain has torn friends and families apart, splitting the country into Sunni versus Shi’a. To soften the divisions, Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation and Civil Discourse has hosted at least one event every month since its founding in 2012, inviting people from all ideologies to participate. These events include dialogue dinners, seminars, and even exchange trips to Northern Ireland and South Africa to learn about reconciliation experiences in those countries.

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  • Nextdoor Rolls Out Product Fix It Hopes Will Stem Racial Profiling

    The location-based social network Nextdoor responded to criticism about racial profiling on its site by revamping the platform. The company collaborates with many public agencies and Oakland’s mayor said the city’s departments should stop working with Nextdoor until it addressed these issues. Nextdoor subsequently changed how people can report crimes or suspicious activity so that race is de-emphasized and this has reduced racial profiling on the site by 75 percent, although some activists who helped Nextdoor say they were left out of the process and there is more work to do.

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  • Minneapolis 4-H program brings science, technology to Somali youth

    Somali youth that immigrate to the United States can struggle to find some direction toward a career and what it means to be on a team. La Joog, a nonprofit based in Minneapolis, launched a 4-H program designed to immerse Somali youth in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Students work on projects together and share them with city council members.

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  • Black Lives Matter Policy Agenda Looks a Lot Like a Playbook for Inclusive Cities

    Windsor, Ontario has a similar economic industry as its neighbor Detroit Michigan; however, Detroit has substantial low-income Black communities compared with Windsor. The Movement for Black Lives has created a six-piece platform that addresses what the United States should do to face the disproportionate problems faced by Black communities. Some of those platforms, including pairing the unemployed with economic incentives, removing questions about criminal history on job applications, and tax revisions, have found success in other cities.

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