Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Solution To Poverty In Slums Needs To Be Rapidly Replicated

    In South Africa, the extreme gap between rich and poor is the root cause of cyclical poverty, and those living in slums face particularly high barriers to education, healthcare, and quality of life. The Ubuntu Education Fund is using a comprehensive approach that includes sustainable investment in community leadership and infrastructure, a cradle-to-career household stability service, and a dexterous, community oriented approach to helping break the cycle of poverty.

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  • Black Wounds Matter

    Little attention is given to black men who are victims of gun violence but survive and need help. An organization in California is mobilizing all gun-violence victims to voice their opinion on criminal justice reform and support for victims.

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  • This non-profit group in Italy uses soccer to give migrants hope

    While migrants arriving in Europe wait for asylum, they have few opportunities. Liberi Nantes is a non-profit in Rome that aims to build relationships between migrants and Italians through organized recreational activities.

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  • How One School Bucks City's Racially Segregated Gifted and Talented System

    A school in Brooklyn uses a lottery-based acceptance system to ensure a diverse class. And instead of sorting the struggling kids from the gifted, they embedded an honors program which kids can opt into without changing classrooms.

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  • A Prescription for More Black Doctors

    On average, black students in public schools receive fewer resources giving them a late start. A mostly black university in New Orleans has increased overall achievement by developing students’ shared responsibility for one another’s success.

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  • Former Black Panther Launches Oakland Urban Farm to Give Ex-Prisoners a Fresh Start

    After incarceration, Black men and women have a difficult time re-integrating into society without financial and educational resources. A former Black Panther activist has created the non-profit Oakland &the World Enterprises to offer an urban farm as a prisoner re-entry program and community center. The Oakland project supports self-sufficiency, self-determination, and empowerment for Black people.

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  • A Racial Gap in Attitudes Toward Hospice Care

    Despite years of change, African Americans feel ostracized from the medical care community that is dominated mainly by white people, especially when it comes to hospices. Some are trying to remove the stigma of hospice care as well as make health care systems more fair.

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  • International High: A Haven for Immigrant Students

    Students who learn English as a second language often struggle in school, but at International High, diversity is the model. Out of its 350 students, 40 countries are represented. Founded in 2005, the high school curriculum was modeled for ELL students who were struggling in traditional classrooms. It seems their strategy is working, their graduation rate was 61 percent for ELL learners, twice the rate than the rest of New York.

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  • Northern Ireland: Old conflict, new tools

    Every so often tensions between the Catholic "nationalists" and the Protestant "loyalists" increase and the police try to diffuse the situations. Social media is affecting these flare ups by providing police with information and citizens with an opportunity to hear the other side's perspective.

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  • The Problem We All Live With

    At the height of desegregation, the achievement gap between white and black students decreased to 18 percent, compared to 49 percent. Evidence suggests integrating schools works, because it gives students of color access to the same resources as white students. Yet, schools remain largely segregated along class and racial lines. In Missouri, after Normandy School District in Normandy lost its accreditation, black students were given an opportunity to transfer into the much more affluent, and mostly white school district, Frances Howell. This episode shows the challenges of integrating schools.

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