Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Asian Ride-Sharing Apps Speed Up to Cut Men Out of Equation

    Across Asia, ride-sharing startups are being created to provide women with safe transportation options. From India to Pakistan to Saudi Arabia, these companies starting all-women teams of drivers or offering women the option to hire female drivers. These companies are part of a larger, global trend as a – albeit short-term – response to the #MeToo culture.

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  • Washington state builds bridge to keep wildlife off highway

    In Washington State, wildlife overpasses and tunnels across I-90 are going a long way to reduce traffic collisions with animals. Even before its completion, coyotes and other animals are using one overpass to cross safely. These corridors have broad support across the country, though such projects can be expensive.

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  • For this Family, Safe Parking L.A. Was a Lifeline During the Crisis of a Lifetime

    The Safe Parking Program in Los Angeles is providing people living out of their vehicles with secure lots. For those facing housing instability, this temporary measure helps people save their energy and resources so that they can maintain employment and find permanent housing.

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  • These Bridges And Tunnels Save Wild Animals' Lives — And Prevent Car Wrecks, Too

    U.S. Highway 97 is one of the highest travelled roads through Washington, but it is also one of the most dangerous due to wildlife crossings. Taking note of successful initiatives in other states and countries, Washington is making moves to implement underpasses which will reduce the rate of accidents and cut down on medical and vehicular collision costs.

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  • Cities are Making Left Turns Safer with ‘Wedges' Audio icon

    In 2016 and 2017, New York City installed infrastructure designed to slow down drivers making left-hand turns in more than 200 locations and banned left turns at high-risk spots as a way to curb pedestrian crashes. Since then, median left-turn speeds have dropped 19 percent at those intersections and the number of vehicles cutting turns so closely they cross the double yellow lines declined by 79 percent. Now cities like San Jose and Los Angeles are looking to follow New York’s lead.

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  • How Durham Is Using Nudge Theory to Drive People Out of Their Cars

    The city of Durham implemented a series of behavioral and economic nudges to encourage drivers to use alternative modes of transportation to get downtown besides cars. For instance, drivers could opt in to receive emails about bike and bus routes or be entered to win a cash prize if they took the bus. Together, the initiatives helped decrease single-driver trips downtown by over five percent.

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  • The Dutch Reach: A No-Tech Way to Save Bicyclists' Lives

    A retired doctor in Massachusetts created a project to push for more places to adopt the robust culture of cycling and motorist safety from the Netherlands by training everyone in the “Dutch Reach.” Two states have it in their driver's manuals and the move greatly reduces the chance of cyclist injury by car doors because the driver uses his/her far hand to reach across the body to open the door. It forces drivers to look in the side view mirror and over their shoulders to check for cyclists.

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  • Making Crossings Safe For Wildlife And Drivers

    Tijeras Canyon in Albuquerque, New Mexico was once known as a major spot for collisions between vehicles and wildlife. To make it safer for humans and animals alike, the Tijeras Canyon Safe Passage Project was created that alerts drivers of animals ahead, thus prompting drivers to slow their speeds.

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  • The region's toughest red-light camera busted drivers 24,000 times last year

    A small town near Seattle installed red light cameras in 2016 and officials immediately founder higher numbers of traffic violations than predicted, especially at one intersection, which accounted for most of the tickets issued to drivers. The technology is very controversial among drivers, but national studies have demonstrated the cameras reduce fatal crashes. In Des Moines, the number of tickets issued spike, but then began decreasing, indicating a change in driver behavior.

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  • How to know, address an aging loved one's deteriorating driving skills

    As our loved ones age, their driving skills can change. Through expert opinions from the Area Agency on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association, several measures can improve this transition for caregivers and their loved ones. These steps include how to approach them and where to find educational driving materials. Moreover, the necessity of having a plan in place is emphasized to ensure seniors have a means of transportation in order to prevent depression and other ailments.

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