Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Greensboro's Art-Dotted Greenway a Respite During COVID-19, and an Economic Engine After

    The Downtown Greenway in Greensboro was already underway when the coronavirus hit and it has turned out to be quite the respite and economic boon. The Greenway draws visitors in with trails, greenways, public art, local businesses, and "the first grocery store to open in 30 years in downtown.” $8.5 million was invested in the project, but it has already brought in $215 million in revenue. The Downtown Greenway was created in partnership with the city and nonprofit Action Greensboro, and while it's currently being used with social distancing, it'll still be there when the quarantine is over.

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  • How do you build a city for a pandemic? Audio icon

    Major populated cities such as New York and London were once regarded as "death traps," but a series of deadly outbreaks led to structural changes that worked to improve the public health outcomes for those living there. From sewer systems to therapeutic gardens, the health of those living in cities has improved in a variety of ways, however, that has not stopped densely populated areas from turning into hotspots for coronavirus. To address this, local governments are experimenting with even more structural changes such as turning city streets into walking and biking paths.

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  • Pour It On: How Dutch Cities Are Soaking up Rain and Reducing Flooding

    A green roof initiative is one of the projects Rotterdam, a city in the Netherlands, is working on to capture and store more rainwater; a solution that might work in Louisiana. With heavier rains and more intense storms due to climate change in both places, the amount of rainfall coming down can overwhelm drainage systems. Although the price tag can be high to build these green roofs, Rotterdam boasts 100 acres of green roofs that have increased the city’s water storage capacity by about 1.6 million gallons.

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  • London's Trees Are Saving the City Billions

    A recent study on London's trees revealed benefits far beyond city beautification. The report found that trees saved the city billions of pounds in air cooling, air purification, carbon sequestration. The report also found trees brought workers increased productivity.

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  • Energy efficient homes mean less air pollution. But are they affordable?

    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and air pollution, Habitat for Humanity Salt Lake Valley is building airtight homes that will also reduce energy costs and be affordable for people experiencing economic hardship. The home are largely being built by volunteers, so the process has been slow and there have been mistakes in building the homes. However, the homes are estimated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 4.9 tons a year.

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  • The Dutch are giving rising rivers more room. Should we follow suit?

    The Dutch government bought out and relocated 200 households in high-risk areas as a way to create more space for rising water levels instead of building bigger levees. The program is called Room for the River, and more than 60,000 people now have much lower flood risk. The program also built new roads, bridges, and pumping stations, one of which doubles as a wildlife-watching tower. This, along with the green spaces, bike paths, and plazas, is credited for building public approval for the project.

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  • The Dutch have mastered water for a millennium. Could their new approach save New Orleans?

    As New Orleans and the Louisiana coast become increasingly vulnerable to rising sea levels, the city is looking to the example of the Netherlands in using nature as a tool in coastal preservation. In the Netherlands, the Maeslant storm surge barrier was built 23 years ago with the ability to block out waters to prevent flooding. In recent years, however, the Dutch have adapted: using green roofs, adding trees as an extra defense in front of levees, and looking to nature more and more to protect cities in the age of climate change.

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  • PowerCorpsPHL trains Philly youth for careers that have a future

    A workforce development initiative, PowerCorpsPHL, pays participants to learn skills and gain hands-on experience for jobs that offer long-term career opportunity in the field of environmental sustainability. Participants generally have criminal records or have been in the foster care system. In addition to job training and education, PowerCorpsPHL also provides services such as mental health counseling, securing childcare, navigating SNAP and AmeriCorps tuition benefits and helping with paperwork. The program helps 92 percent of participants secure either a job or post-secondary education.

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  • Ii: The greenest town in Europe

    The town of Ii, in northern Finland, has cut carbon emissions by 80 percent, hitting the European Union's target 30 years before the deadline. Thanks to collective action in the community, businessmen, children, grandparents, and even the mayor has pitched in. In the process, the town of Ii boosted its local economy.

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  • The Ohio River community of Newport bands together to slow runoff and add greenspace

    To promote the implementation of greenspaces while also decreasing the likelihood of runoff after heavy rain storms, community groups in Newport, Kentucky worked together to implement strategic depaving. This practice of removing pavement has now led to the creation of a park which will soon have rain and pollinator gardens.

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