Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Ex-female refugee conserving South Sudan's disappearing forest

    Vivian Kide learned to build fuel-efficient stoves in a Ugandan refugee camp to use less charcoal and prevent deforestation. When she returned home to South Sudan, she began building stoves for other women in her community and teaching them how to do so themselves.

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  • Volunteers, First Nations work to bring back a disappearing oak prairie

    The volunteer-run Friends of Uplands Park Society works to restore and protect Uplands Park in Victoria, British Columbia. The members have helped native species, many of which are designated as at risk, thrive again by removing invasive species, planting more native species, and educating the community.

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  • How JEAY Healthcare is bridging the healthcare gap in ESKU

    The JEAY Healthcare app connects students with quality healthcare regardless of their location. App users can schedule appointments, meet with doctors over the phone or video calls and access an online pharmacy. Since launching in February 2023, the app has had over 300 downloads and sees about 130 daily users.

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  • Medeecal: An e-health platform closes the medical desert in West Africa

    The Medeecal app increases healthcare access by providing a range of telehealth services including health education, free medical consultations, preventative care, referrals and follow-up care. As of March 2023, the app has over 1,000 registered patients and provides about eight consultations a day.

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  • In conservative northern Nigeria, all-female automobile workshop screws gender stereotypes

    The Nana Female Mechanic Workshop in Sokoto, Nigeria, helps women gain the skills to pursue careers in mechanics and gain economic independence. The all-female workshop only attends to cars owned by women and is intended to combat gender-role stereotypes.

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  • Survivors unite against the blade for female genital mutilation

    The Balm in the Gilead Foundation (BIGIF) gathers survivors of female genital mutilation to become advocates in their community for the end of the practice. BIGIF has over 300 volunteers across the country and has reached over 100 women and girls with its messaging. BIGIF visits schools and churches, go door-to-door, hosts walks and even runs a 30-minute radio program to raise awareness and educate community members.

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  • The buildings constructed from cannabis

    Hempcrete, a combination of hemp, water, and lime, can be used as a more sustainable insulation option for buildings. The material improves energy efficiency, produces less carbon than options like fiberglass and foam, and will continue to capture carbon while used as insulation.

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  • Solar Power Spreads in Appalachia as Churches Take Action

    Churches in Appalachia are installing solar arrays and encouraging their communities to make energy-efficient upgrades and renewable-energy swaps, too. The Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church in West Virginia purchased its array with donations that community members raised from the money they saved on energy after installing free smart-control devices in their homes that reduced energy use during peak hours.

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  • A sanctuary of literary rituals moulds teenagers into star writers

    Through the Hill-top Creative Arts Foundation, teen writers in Nigeria receive mentorship from established writers and learn to give critique and be critiqued by their peers, with the ultimate goal of helping them become published authors.

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  • Goats grazing in your backyard? This climate solution is gaining ground in California

    Landscaping businesses in California are trading in the typical tools and chemicals for goat herds. The practice of bringing in goats to munch on unwanted vegetation, called targeted grazing, is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than traditional landscaping.

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