Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Oakland University becomes 1st US campus to return land use to Native American community

    After Indigenous students and faculty advocated for stolen land at Oakland University to be returned to the native community, the university made the land a heritage site, bypassing legal issues tied to development requirements and ensuring that the institution would have no say in the future of the site. The land is now home to a pawpaw orchard, a wildflower garden, and a fire pit for cooking and ceremonies.

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  • For some students, certificate programs offer a speedy path to a job

    Community colleges such as Delaware Technical Community College and Lorain County Community College offer short-term certificate programs that are more accessible to adult learners and students with families. In 2022, the Delaware college awarded roughly 4,500 certificates and credentials.

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  • Detroit resident 'leads with love' in local climate resiliency

    Tammara Howard founded and runs the What About Us? community hub to serve the Detroit neighborhood she lives in. She plans community-building and educational events and distributes essential resources when problems like power outages occur.

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  • Feeling sick? The lawyer will see you now.

    The Child Health-Law Partnership (Child HeLP) is a collaboration between health and legal professionals to treat a patient’s “health-harming legal needs” together. The original medical-legal partnership began 30 years ago in Boston, but has since expanded to other cities to look at all aspects of a patient's health. To administer the best care, patients are asked questions about housing quality and stability, delays or denials of public benefits, unmet educational needs and mental health.

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  • How Conecta Arizona is Fighting Mis- and Disinformation in Latinx Communities in the United States

    Conecta Arizona is a WhatsApp-based Spanish-language news service originally created to help combat misinformation in migrant communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three years since its launch, the service reaches more than 100,000 people and partners with freelance journalists and experts to provide information on voter registration, mental health resources, immigration laws, and more.

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  • Jewish teens, led by Ezra Beinart, are gathering on Zoom to meet prominent Palestinians

    High school junior Ezra Beinart founded an initiative that invites Palestinians to speak with young American Jews via video chat. The goal of the project, which has hosted six speakers so far, is to introduce Jewish teenagers to perspectives on Israel-Palestine that they may not be exposed to within their communities.

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  • Slow but steady progress on removing offensive place names in Oregon

    The U.S. Board of Geographic Names and the Oregon Geographic Names Board are changing offensive and racist geographic place names in the state. When looking to change a name, the boards reach out to community members and experts for recommendations. They also review new name proposals that locals submit for both unnamed and named locations.

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  • Affordable and Accessible Health Care Remains an Issue in Nigeria, but Atayase Initiative Devises a Means, Helping the Underserved Age Groups

    The Atayese initiative makes healthcare services more affordable and accessible for underserved age groups including young children, pregnant women and elderly people. The initiative launched in 2013 and runs clinics and hospital services in several states and communities where they’ve provided treatment to hundreds — in some areas, thousands — of patients.

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  • From a WhatsApp platform to physical sessions, this Nigerian initiative is helping women affected by conflict navigate their trauma

    FeelNHeal is a safe space where women who were displaced due to conflict can prioritize their mental health. The Nigerian initiative helps young girls and women heal using outreach, education, connections with professional therapists, and group sessions that include art and games.

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  • A Powerful Climate Solution Just Below the Ocean's Surface

    A project at the Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve has restored 10,000 acres of seagrass meadow. For two decades, scientists and volunteers have worked together to collect, process, and plant seeds to grow the carbon-storing underwater plants.

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