Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Les tourbières du Jura, patrimoine naturel restauré pour le bien du climat

    Les tourbières stockent deux fois plus de carbone que l’ensemble des forêts et en contiennent autant que l’atmosphère terrestre. Dans le Jura, le programme «Life tourbières du Jura» vise à réhabiliter ces zones humides longtemps détruites. Ce projet à 8 millions d’euros, lancé en 2014, est l’un des plus ambitieux en Europe. 13 à 14 kilomètres de cours d’eau ont déjà été restaurés. Des travaux techniques qui ont aussi nécessité de concerter et sensibiliser la population locale.

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  • Briuselio tikslas – nė vienos mirties keliuose: nuo metų pradžios kone visame mieste greitis 30 km/val.

    Drastiškas leidžiamo maksimalaus automobilių eismo greičio sumažinimas iki 30 km/h Briuselyje panašu, kad jau duoda rezultatų - per pirmąjį ketvirtį fiksuota net penktadaliu mažiau eismo įvykių. Didžioji dalis eismo įvykių, įskaitant ir tragiškų pasibaigiančių, įvyksta dėl pasirinkto nesaugaus greičio, dėl to eismo lėtinimas padeda sumažinti jų skaičių. Ar tai būtų tinkamas sprendimas ir Lietuvai?

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  • Push on to boost mental health support for first responders

    The Peer Support Team at Northwest Fire District connects firefighters with a trained peer support specialist to talk confidentially about mental health. The program also connects firefighters in need with additional resources like therapy and counseling. In an effort to change the mindset most first responders have toward mental health, there are currently 50 trained peer support specialists throughout the state and more than 1,000 across the country.

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  • Some youth avoid detention and rehabilitate at Central Oregon ranch

    Youth in Oregon who get court-ordered rehabilitation as an alternative to youth detention might end up at the J Bar J Ranch, which despite its name is less a working ranch than a boarding school with individual counseling aimed at helping troubled young people change themselves. Success takes many forms – high school diplomas, reconnecting with family, setting and meeting personal goals – but first the youth must earn a place at the ranch, which can only take 28 at a time.

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  • Illinois Has a Program to Compensate Victims of Violent Crimes. Few Applicants Receive Funds.

    As one of the oldest programs of its kind, the Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program was created in 1973 to reimburse victims of crime and their families for their out-of-pocket expenses, such as funeral and medical costs. An analysis of nearly 15,000 claims filed from 2015 to 2020 shows that only 1 in 50 people who reported a violent crime ever applied for aid, and of those who did only 40% received any aid. A laborious application and documentation process compounds a lack of notice to the public of the program's existence to result in a program that has failed in its primary mission.

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  • As N.C. poultry plants failed to curb COVID-19, Latina workers stood in the gap

    A mother and daughter in North Carolina have helped launch a successful vaccination events and campaigns without much aid from the local government. Both took to grassroots awareness campaigns and took to walking around trailer parks and other places where Spanish-speaking workers live in order to increase the number of vaccinated workers.

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  • How HAWK beacons save pedestrians' lives

    Pedestrian-activated traffic signals that flash red to allow people to cross busy streets midblock have saved lives in one of the nation's most dangerous cities for pedestrians. On one stretch of Phoenix highway where three people were killed within one month, there have been no deaths in the three years since a HAWK beacon was installed. The city has installed 66 of the lights, supplemented by pedestrian education and traffic enforcement. Since 2018, pedestrian fatalities – which make up half of Phoenix's fatal accidents – have fallen by one-third.

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  • The Power of Local Money for a Thriving Local Economy

    Financial incentives to shop at local markets and stores help boost local economies. The Co-op Cred program in Toronto allows people to work for credits that can be redeemed at participating businesses.

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  • Agroforestry: A solution to farming's biggest problems?

    In agroforestry, traditional farming of plants and animals is combined with the planting of different types of trees. It is much more sustainable than traditional agriculture, which takes a huge toll on the environment. In an agroforestry system, the trees planted around a crop can provide shelter and food for the animals, reducing overall greenhouse emissions. The trees also increase other wildlife like bees and insects, and they add more nutrients to the soil.

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  • De cómo El Salvador logró frenar (de momento) la extinción de sus tortugas marinas

    Proyectos para crear incubadoras de las cuatro tortugas marinas que anidan en las costas de El Salvador (carey, golfina, prieta y baula) tienen ya más de 15 años de historia, marcados por financiamientos que luego desaparecen y leyes que hacen el consumo de huevos y de tortutas ilegal, permitiendo la incubación y liberación de millones de tortuguitas cada año. La sostenibilidad de estos proyectos y la educación de la población son los principales retos que enfrentan.

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