Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Video 150 organizaciones migrantes

    El video relata la experiencia de algunas de las organizaciones migrantes que trabajaron activamente durante el 2020 y 2021 en atender las necesidades primordiales de la comunidad mexicana en Nueva York durante la Pandemia por COVID-19.

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  • Queer and Roma in Romania

    MozaiQ provides support for the LGBTQ community and fosters stronger ties among queer Romanians. The group creates safe spaces and offers programming, from football championships to job fairs and professional skills building classes. It also helps with urgent needs, like finding emergency shelter, and fosters long-term relationships in the community, offering pro bono training to companies on the importance of inclusivity in the workplace. The group has particularly empowered queer Romas, whose intersectional identities compound issues of discrimination, increase their confidence to fight for their rights.

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  • LGBTQ Refugees Carving Out Their Path to Integration

    Spektrum, a self-organized LGBTQ+ migrant organization, provides a space of belonging to queer migrants, who often feel out of place and ill-served by traditional organizations that do not understand the violence and trauma they have endured. Spektrum has a non-hierarchical leadership structure and provides members with practical and relevant activities, like a bicycle repair workshop, which is important as many migrants rely on bikes as their main mode of transportation. The group was invited to help organize Cologne Pride and has advised the city on the lack of social services in some neighborhoods.

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  • Migración, pandemia y resistencia en NY

    Cientos de familias de migrantes mexicanos en Nueva York, como la encabezada por Ángel y René Gordillo, perdieron a alguno de sus integrantes durante la pandemia. Atravesaron los primeros meses sin apoyo médico o financiero, y fueron otros migrantes los que atendieron sus necesidades básicas. Hoy, son sus hijos quienes enarbolan su lucha y pelean por sus derechos.

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  • Welcome to Marshall County: Rural, red and at the top in Kansas for COVID-19 vaccination

    The vaccination rate of Marshall County is six percentage points higher than the state overall, a success that is built on an existing infrastructure of public health and trust-building that predates the pandemic. The county made a detailed plan for the vaccine rollout well before vaccines arrived and residents trust the health department because it provides 90% of the population with routine immunizations. The health department also works one-on-one with residents to answer vaccine questions, which is a more effective way of combating misinformation than a generalized outreach campaign.

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  • Damit's fürs Alter reicht: Wege aus der Rentenlücke

    "Frauen kümmern sich zu wenig um ihre Finanzen," meint die Börsenexpertin Cornelia Frey. Da sie im Schnitt außerdem deutlich weniger Rente bekommen als Männer, sind viele von Altersarmut bedroht. Manche allerdings haben eine Lösung dafür gefunden: zum Beispiel, in dem sie ihr Haus an eine Stiftung verkauft haben, die dafür eine monatliche Rente zahlt und dennoch ein lebenslanges Wohnrecht gewährt.

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  • ECHO seeing success 6 months into motel-turned-shelter program

    ECHO runs an emergency shelter in a converted motel that helps get people off the street and into safety. They also run a 90-day program that provides access to services like mental health support and job placement. Housed 500 people in six months and helped dozens of people find long-term housing.

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  • Redes migrantes en la pandemia

    Organizaciones no gubernamentales, organizaciones religiosas y grupos de voluntarios, en su mayoría dirigidos por migrantes, implementaron acciones para proveer a las familias de migrantes en Nueva York de recursos básicos durante la Pandemia por COVID-19. Los beneficiarios fueron en especial los migrantes indocumentados que no lograron apoyo gubernamental de tanto Estados Unidos como de México

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  • ¿Podrá un dique salvar a un pueblo histórico de la Zona Sur?

    La ciudad de Puerto Cortés en el pacífico sur de Costa Rica se inunda todos los años, pero no siempre fue así. El artículo explora el impacto que tuvo un dique construido por la empresa privada en los años 1950 y cómo se plantea hoy en día como la solución para este problema.

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  • Millions of People With Felonies Can Now Vote. Most Don't Know It.

    Thirteen states restored the right to vote to millions of formerly incarcerated people in the years leading up to the 2020 elections. An analysis of four of them—Nevada, Kentucky, Iowa, and New Jersey—shows the new rights were rarely exercised, ranging from 4% to 23% of newly eligible voters actually registering. None of the four states required prison, parole, or elections officials to notify eligible voters. Those and other information gaps and barriers teach instructive lessons as the 2022 elections approach.

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