Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Armed, Anti-Racist ‘Rednecks' Take On White Supremacy

    Millions of Americans, particularly the working class, LGBQT, minorities, and immigrants, feel left behind by the system, and in light of the revival of violence from white supremacists and the tumultuous debate on gun control, many feel that the only solution is to take the defense of their rights and needs into their own hands. The Redneck Revolt is an anti-racist, pro-gun organization that works to represent the working class - across race, sexual identity, and creed - and to protect their communities and interests from white supremacists and economic disparity alike.

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  • 'Making war is easier than making peace': in conversation with Colombia's President Santos

    The rights of victims are at the center of Colombia’s peace agreement. These rights include those to reparations, justice, non-repetition, and truth. This choice - as well as investment in education, health, infrastructure, and technology - is helping the country recover from decades of armed conflict.

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  • An Abandoned Roman Salami Factory Becomes an Illegal, Inhabited Museum

    About 200 people from around the world, most of whom were homeless, occupied a former meat factory where they cleaned the space and set up homes. An Italian artist worked with residents to create a unique venue that exhibits murals, paintings, and installations of over 300 artists from around the world. The museum does not have a budget, the artists donate their works, and it operates on a democratic concept where artists from different backgrounds and styles work together. Despite not occupying the space legally, residents believe that the value the art offers to society prevented them from being evicted.

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  • Giving Capitalism a Social Conscience

    A disproportionate of the world's money is concentrated in the pockets of a handful. Muhammad Yunus sees the importance of social business in helping change this trend and distribute wealth more evenly.

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  • D.C. offers amnesty to parents who are behind in child support

    Billions of dollars in child support goes unpaid every year in the United States, but not all of those parents missing payments are negligent deadbeats - many are unemployed, incarcerated, or have disabilities that are prohibitive to earning enough money. A new amnesty program in Washington D.C. is taking a closer look at individual cases to determine which parents may just need an extra boost to help find a job or otherwise make their payments, and is forgiving debt while providing grants and other resources to help them support their children.

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  • The Social Wall: How one Berlin school integrated by segregating

    A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. However, one elementary school seems to have succeeded in desegregating students by offering a choice of academic tracks.

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  • The rise and fall of Berlin's plan to integrate schools

    Part 2 of 3 in Series "The Social Wall: Universal Lessons in Berlin's Attempt to Integrate Schools" - A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. This "social wall" lies exactly along the lines of the once physical Berlin wall and now divide the haves and have-nots.

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  • Germany bets on second time lucky with migrant workers

    Germany is learning from its past, and implementing measures that will safeguard successful integration of refugees into the workforce. In the 1960s thousands of Turkish people were recruited to fill labor shortages, but were not given support to help them integrate. They still struggle to enter the workforce. Now, the country devised a program aimed at language learning and job skills development for incoming asylum seekers. “The lesson that Germany learnt is that integration is something you work on.”

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  • Meet the Men Who Invest in Women Entrepreneurs

    Women tend to invest in female-owned and run companies, but men disproportionately invest in male-run companies, which means female companies lose out on a huge market. Some male investors, such as Adam Quinton, see the female-run businesses as a better investment because of the lack of competition and that these firms tend to outperform the male-owned companies, this finding is shifting where people invest.

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  • Foodstuffs: Giving Food Stamp Recipients a Place at Farmers Markets

    While farmers’ markets popularity has increased in the last decade, the higher prices mitigate equal access to such provisions -- and, by extension, the health benefits. As a result, non-profits and farmers' markets across New Hampshire are collaborating with a state program, Granite State Market Watch, to enable low-income food stamp recipients to use the markets. The state matches every dollar worth of stamps, providing needed purchasing power to enjoy the fresh bounty as well as an increased customer base and revenue stream for the local farmers.

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