Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Strengthening Communities and Shifting Power in Pursuit of a Just Transition

    Two climate coalitions led by BIPOC have strengthened their communities by empowering diverse stakeholders to address social inequities. The coalitions are engaging and centering the voices of Black, Indigenous and people of color and providing the resources needed to advocate for environmental and climate justice. The model is being replicated across the South.

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  • An Atlanta Neighborhood Will Finally Own Property as a Community

    A new model for community-owned real estate is attempting to bridge the racial wealth gap and build neighborhood wealth in Atlanta. Instead of watching prime real estate go to investors who would hold onto the building for a profit without any regard for how the space served the community, The Guild is purchasing local real estate. The organization has previously worked with entrepreneurs and business initiatives to boost Black-owned business profitability and combat commercial gentrification.

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  • Seattle's Newest Community Hub Was Built, Literally, By Neighbors

    A collective of artists in Seattle bought real estate for a community center with the help of city funding. Known as Black and Tan Hall, the space drew funding and sweat equity from community members who sought a safe and affordable place to gather. The initiative to buy the building is “an anti-gentrification model that combats displacement, keeps dollars hyper local, and sustains good jobs.”

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  • Can free cash really solve Philly's poverty problem?

    Universal Basic Income programs around the country have demonstrated the effectiveness of distributing cash to people who are economically struggling. Philadelphia distributed $1.7 million through the Worker Relief Fund in the summer of 2020 when thousands of residents were excluded from federal and state pandemic financial aid and plans are also in motion to provide cash payments to 300 families in need of housing assistance.

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  • With free print newspaper, Indian farmers record their protest

    Because of internet shutdowns, six friends created a bilingual newspaper to document and record the farmer protests in India. Thousands of farmers have been protesting for weeks about the government’s new agricultural laws. Since there are many older farmers and the government has blocked the internet, they give out free print copies of their biweekly “Trolley Times” newspaper with information on speeches, medical aid, and community kitchens. While producing the newspaper has become harder, they are able to print about 5,000 copies for the farmers.

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  • How unemployed Californians launched new careers in a pandemic with 9 weeks of training

    Digital Upskill Sacramento is providing 9-week paid training sessions to participants who want to enter the tech industry. The program is allowing people who didn’t have the time, resources, or opportunity before to get hands-on training in addition to potential employment opportunities. This initiative is a result of a collaboration between several organizations and funding from the city. The funds were allotted for job training in growing industries, especially as the pandemic resulted in the loss of many jobs.

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  • Baltimore is Democratizing the Economy, One Pint at a Time

    A worker-owned cooperative in Baltimore is giving employees an “alternative to exploitation in traditionally-structured enterprises.” Employees at ice cream maker Taharka Brothers can eventually qualify for ownership, which enables them to weigh in on big decisions and share in profits when the business does well.

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  • Charlotte may have cracked the code on affordable housing. Here's how

    A real estate investor has led the charge in creating a Housing Impact Fund in Charlotte, NC, to preserve affordable housing. The housing it seeks to preserve is not considered public housing but it does serve those who make less than the area’s median income. This type of housing is known as Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) and can be profitable over a longer period of time while simultaneously providing a service for the rapidly growing city.

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  • 2021 Will Be the Year of Guaranteed Income Experiments

    Universal Basic Income is gaining popularity across the United States, where 11 cities in 2021 are either extending or piloting new programs that provide cash payments without any conditions on how to spend the money. The success of UBI has been detailed in several other cities, most notably in Stockton, California, under Mayor Michael Tubbs, who has been voted out but has since launched the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. The coalition of 30 mayors will run experiments by choosing families and individuals facing economic hardship; the ultimate goal being a federal UBI program.

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  • At Chicago's Immigrant-Run Corner Stores, Striving for Food and Racial Justice

    The Corner Store Campaign alleviates food insecurity in Chicago by providing fresh produce and supplies to customers who frequent the neighborhood establishments - typically in places that are more likely to be food deserts. The program is run by Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN), which also seeks to ease and heal the historically-fraught relationship between immigrant corner store owners and the black communities they typically cater to by partnering with the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative to engage in dialogue about policing and community safety.

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