Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a contested region became a model for multilingual coexistence

    The border between Denmark and Germany was highly politicized and when it was set, Germans found themselves in Denmark and Danes found themselves in Germany. Each country is required to offer regional schools taught in the other language and some Germans have decided to send their children to Danish schools and vice versa. Over the years this has led to cultural exchanges and better relationships between the groups. It can be hard to convince Germans to learn Danish because there are just about 5.5 million native speakers, and young Danes now prefer to learn English over German.

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  • How Ashland SWCD uses art to teach stormwater management

    As a way to raise funds and awareness for stormwater education, some cities are turning rain barrels into an art exhibit. Rain barrels catch water as it runs off rooftops, which can be used later for watering plants. It also reduces the amount of water that picks up pollutants and is carried into waterways. The Ashland Soil and Water Conservancy District in Ohio featured 10 rain barrels painted by local artists, allowing residents to vote and bid on their favorite design. Their efforts were inspired by a similar event in Indiana where they’ve auctioned 100 barrels for residents to use at home.

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  • This Chicago Nonprofit Supports Incarcerated Youth and Local Businesses During the Pandemic

    Liberation Library, a Chicago-based nonprofit, provides books for incarcerated youth. The nonprofit fills the youths' book requests and has also partnered with five Chicago-based bookstores, where shoppers can purchase gift cards on behalf of the nonprofit. Since the onset of the pandemic, it has sent more than 1,100 books, more than double its usual number, along with card games, snacks and art supplies.

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  • Virtual Bronx Internships Put Youth First

    The Thinkubator, a Bronx-based nonprofit, launched "Thinkubator Solves" a virtual internship program that pairs Bronx high school students with local businesses. The paid one-month summer internship allows students to collaborate with employers who are struggling to cope with pandemic-related challenges. Students were grouped into teams who worked with organizations like Legal Aid and Advocates for Children of New York, Bronx Public Schools and a local restaurant.

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  • Flint Community Schools is Going Door to Door to Find Hard-to-Reach Students

    Staff from Flint Community Schools are taking a more door-to-door approach to find the close to 1,500 students who have not yet started attending virtual school when the fall semester started. FCS assembled "wellness teams" made up "social workers, behavioral specialists, nurses, and paraprofessionals" and sent them to neighborhoods with mapped routes to walk around neighborhoods and find students and their families, as well as help identify needs to assist with including food assistance, wi-fi hotspots, and other individual needs.

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  • Nice White Parents: We Know It When We See It

    A Brooklyn school district has changed the zoning and middle school admission process to racially integrate schools and level the playing field. White children previously gained admission to schools with the most resources based on impressive grades and extracurricular activities. The new system is based on a lottery and can not screen students for test results or attendance. Black and Latino families have been demanding change since 1950, but this change was a result of the efforts of white parents. Critics question whether the motive was equality or anger over too many white kids kept out of good schools.

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  • Is It Finally Time For Year Round School

    Long summer vacations are a tradition in the United States, but some school districts are challenging the long-standing notion of summer break by using a different model—year-round school. School districts around the U.S. are considering adopting the model in the near future to combat the "COVID slide." School districts in Texas are finding that a year-round school calendar has helped students with former summer food insecurity and provides students who may be falling behind, a chance to catch up without a multiple-month summer interruption to their education.

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  • ¿Puede la tecnología salvar una lengua?

    Quechua Memes y Voces del Valle son unas una de las muchas iniciativas de América Latina para promocionar y revitalizar las lenguas indígenas a través de las redes sociales. Quechua Memes busca compartir y mantener vivo el Quechua, un lenguaje indigena de la region del Peru, mientras Voces del Valle se enfoca mas en promocionar el lenguaje Zapoteco, el cual es la lengua materna de personas indigenas en la region de Oaxaca, Mexico.

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  • This Denver Group is Keeping Immigrants' Restaurant Dreams Alive

    Comal Heritage Food Incubator trains immigrant and refugee women to start their own businesses in the food industry. Comal offers coaching, financial support, and connections to social services. It also pays trainees, which has been vital to endure the food industry shutdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic. The group also ensures members have food, rent assistance, school supplies, or diapers for their children. They partner with the Denver Metro Emergency Food Network, delivering about 290,000 meals since the pandemic began. The model is working in other cities, including Seattle and San Francisco.

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  • Metro Detroit's environmental organizations are largely white. Some are working to change that.

    Several environmental groups in the Detroit area are coming to terms with the lack of racial diversity in their organizations. Huron-Clinton Metroparks released a plan to make their parks more welcoming and accessible to everyone, regardless of race and ethnicity. The Friends of the Rouge watershed organization has partnered with other nonprofits to explore race and organizational culture within their own groups. While many of these initiatives have just launched, many groups are taking crucial steps to address environmental injustice within their ranks and how it trickles down to the people they serve.

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