Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Remote Learning Progress Report: Technology another barrier for English-language learners

    School districts across New Hampshire had to find new ways of teaching English as a Second Language students during the pandemic when classes switched to virtual learning. Some districts used volunteers and community liaisons to relay information, while others established informal monitoring programs to keep track of ESL students. Teachers used technology like Google translate and WhatsApp to help them translate. Throughout the state teachers shared resources with each other.

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  • Filling the lockdown learning gaps with pub quizzes

    Five recently-graduated doctors put together a virtual bar-trivia-style program called SOLViT to supplement med students' curriculum during their final year, when they should be receiving in-hospital training, but can't because of the pandemic. The 90-minute sessions cover 29 topics in the students' syllabus like maternal infections and bladder cancer, is formatted to quiz the students in a true/false format, and draws from pop culture references to reinforce learning.

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  • Why doctors are handing out voter registration kits

    Thousands of physicians and 60 hospital systems are participating in Civic Health Month, a nationwide effort to encourage voter participation. VotER has over 15,000 orders for “Healthy Democracy Kits,” which compile voter registration resources for medical professionals. Med Out the Vote is another effort focused on registering medical students to vote and dozens of universities have expressed interest in hosting head-to-head voter registration competitions with rival schools. Some don't think doctors should be involved with civic education, but others believe it is one part of treating the whole individual.

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  • The simple intervention that could lift kids out of ‘Covid slide'

    Tutoring has a longstanding reputation of being an effective measure in helping students stay on-track with their school subjects, but it also costs money. Schools around the U.S. are considering ways to stretch their budgets to extend tutoring to as many students as possible. Increasing group numbers per tutor, using stipend-funded volunteers, and non-certified teachers rather than certified tutors, and making tutoring a class-time activity are some of the ways schools could help support students and avoid learning losses, while taking limited budgets into account.

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  • ‘We're writing the book' - McCracken jail sees strong early success from vocational programs

    Vocational training and life skills classes at the McCracken County Regional Jail help prepare incarcerated people for stable jobs and living situations once they are released. Of the first 16 to complete vocational training, none have returned to jail and 12 are employed, despite the poor job market during the pandemic. Though the results so far are small and early, jail officials are working to expand the available programs to more people. Particularly useful not only to the incarcerated people but also to their families are cognitive skills classes, which vocational students are required to take as well.

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  • AI & Big Data Will Lead to Better Conservation

    Naturalists are using technology like smartphone cameras and artificial intelligence to better track animal and plant conservation efforts across the United States. The online platform eButterfly allows users to share photos of butterflies that can inform scientists about how certain species’ ranges are shifting. Colorado Parks and Wildlife use a version of AI to identify and count species photographed by camera traps. While, AI could allow scientists to sort through more images and map out more complex ecological relationships, machine-learning algorithms take time to set up and large datasets to train.

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  • ASU study: 'Team Kids' may improve perception of police through cop-kid activities

    About 170,000 schoolchildren in four states have participated in the Team Kids Challenge, which promotes healthier relations between youth and police by pairing them in charity work to solicit and distribute donations. Based on research showing Black and Latinx youth distrust police much more than white children do, the program was found in a new study to significantly improve kids' perceptions of police. The study did not measure how long this effect lasts or why it fails, when it does. A researcher also cautions that real trust in police must be earned through good policing.

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  • When Covid Subsided, Israel Reopened Its Schools. It Didn't Go Well.

    When schools in Israel reopened in May—believing its coronavirus cases were under control—infections quickly rose, and the country experienced an immediate second outbreak. The country has now become an example for others of lessons to learn like: placing emphasis on contact tracing, maintaining students in small groups if in-person instruction is happening, staggering schedules, and maintaining a safe social distance.

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  • It Takes a Village: How Coalition Work is Transforming Lives in Detroit - NationSwell

    A coalition of organizations in the Detroit region had “a goal of re-engaging the region’s 690,000 adults who had completed some college but hadn’t gotten a degree.” One of the programs they created was the Wayne State Warrior Way Back program, which allows students with school debt to re-enroll and “learn” off their debt at a rate of $500 for each semester completed.”

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  • A crowdsourcing approach to homework help

    An ed-tech researcher continues to investigate the success of a study that looked into the effectiveness of "crowdsourcing homework tips." In the study, the homework tips were pre-written by teachers for students to access during homework time, and the results of the study saw that students who used the tips were 58% likelier to solve the next problem with no help.

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