Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • “A communal trauma:” Counselors help students combat stress amid pandemic

    As high schoolers across the nation grapple with the stress of the sudden shift to online learning, unstable home environments, and for some students the toll of coronavirus on family members, school counselors are looking for the best ways to support them. For some counselors, outreach has taken the form of weekly check-ins, helplines and texting, but that comes with its own challenges. “We have to remember that we’re suffering a communal trauma here. We have to step back and really make sure the children are doing OK emotionally.”

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  • Enseñar a leer y escribir en casa: cómo se las ingenian las familias de un millón y medio de niños y niñas

    Este informe muestra cómo los maestros de educación temprana se ocupan de cuidar a sus alumnos a través de Internet en el año en que sus estudiantes aprenden a leer. Las madres se convierten en maestras y las maestras guían todo digitalmente.

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  • A collective approach to distance teaching

    When schools across New Hampshire, and the U.S., suspended in-person classes as a result of the pandemic, each developed its own way of dealing with a new teaching landscape, including Beech Street Elementary in Manchester. Instead of having teachers individually their class, the school took a "collective approach" and had teachers work as a team, with each teacher in charge of one specific lesson, to deliver the lessons to all students within the same grade. The school also accommodated ELL students by relying on a translation app, and used social media platforms to communicate with parents.

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  • Meals on the bus go round and round

    The Sweetwater County school district in Southeastern Wyoming is distributing meals to students around the county, while addressing obstacles some families may face due to lack of transportation or conflicting work schedules. With the assistance of federal funding, the district developed bus routes and pick-up locations based on the degree of need in order to deliver more meals.

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  • Tribe aims to improve dental health by bringing smiles to the dental visit

    The San Carlos Apache tribe in Arizona has been able to increase dental healthcare access for children through targeted outreach and an educational marketing campaign. The goal of the multifaceted approach is to address fears, both on the part of the child and parents, through education about going to the dentist. The result has been a significant uptick in the number of children's dentistry appointments and caregivers reporting that their children are no longer afraid.

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  • How some Mississippi teens are saving their town from climate change

    Through the Achieving Sustainability Through Education and Economic Development Solutions (ASEEDS) Creek Rangers program, teens and community leaders are raising awareness of the effects of climate change in their small Mississippi town. They’ve fixed their community’s drainage system to help mitigate floods that have impacted the area for years. While some people were skeptical of their efforts, they’ve been able to work with pastors and other people to show how climate change is already impacting them.

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  • How Orange County's Visual Arts World is Coping with the Coronavirus

    Some arts organizations in Orange County, CA have found creative ways to deal with Covid-19 closures by bringing their collections online, creating digital programming, and reaching out to new audiences. For example, the Muckenthaler Cultural Center hands out weekly art kits to kids and seniors and reports donation support from an entirely new group of donors. Others have taken the opportunity to create new content and bring their collections online to engage with those stuck at home of all ages. Not all have been able to withstand the Covid-related closures and many art galleries have closed down for good.

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  • Need a Quran teacher? There's an AI for that

    An AI app is potentially eliminating the need for Quran teachers by offering precise feedback to those who are learning to recite or memorize the holy book of Islam. Tarteel uses machine learning technology to enable speech recognition, allowing it to test users' knowledge of the Quran and to receive feedback on recitation without a teacher. The tool can identify mistakes and has a memorization mode, only revealing words as they are recited. Building such an accurate tool "requires a vast data set to train a deep neural network" so users who opt in are crowdsourcing the data set needed to power Tarteel.

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  • Quarantine campuses: With dorms shut and class online, students DIY college life

    Colleges across the nation suspended in-person classes due to the coronavirus, but it also meant suspending campus life—a classic staple of the American college experience. Students innovated by creating their own version of dorm life and activities by setting up "satellite dorms,” either close to campus or places they could quarantine and study together, and staying in contact through various different social apps. But the biggest lesson for students and faculty was “The powerful role incidental and impromptu interactions play in the college experience—and how hard it is to replace them.”

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  • Teaching model ‘flips' traditional classroom in Arizona

    In Arizona, several schools are flipping the traditional format of school on its head; at home, students watch recorded lessons and then, during the day in the classroom, they work through homework. Advocates believe the approach allows for more collaborative and engaging learning, while critics don't believe the approach has shown improved results.

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