Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Le Danemark, paradis pour jeunes adultes

    Grâce à la gratuité des études, un système de soutien à l’éducation très généreux et un marché du travail accommodant, la jeunesse danoise bénéficie d’une grande autonomie.Le taux de chômage des jeunes avoisine 10 %, contre 19 % en France

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  • How to help students cope with mental health in schools

    A program developed in Boston's public schools works with students who have missed many days of school as a result of mental health challenges to transition back into the classroom. By providing academic and emotional support, trained counselors encourage students to continue their education.

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  • Learning Space For Child Migrants Expands In Tijuana

    "The Nest" in Tijuana is a space for migrant children to relax and be themselves during a very stressful time. "The Nest" was established by the Pedagogical Institute of Los Angeles and sits across the street from a shelter where many of their students live. Parents and other migrants also benefit from the space which they describe as stress-relieving.

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  • When the bus is the schoolhouse

    A number of barriers prevent young children in Appalachia from enrolling in formal preschool classes. In response, a fleet of buses is traveling to remote communities to teach students academic and social skills.

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  • 'I'll put those monsters behind bars': India's law school for rape survivors

    A nonprofit in India is training victims of sexual assault and trafficking to work as lawyers and seek justice for themselves or others. The program offers both counseling and rehabilitation services and formal legal education.

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  • Lebanon's refugees use technology to fight food insecurity

    Training refugees in digital skills provides them with a path toward self sufficiency. A pilot program developed with the UN World Food Program and the American University in Beirut offers computer literacy and English courses to Syrian refugees living in Lebanon. The approach aims to reduce reliance on food relief and empower individuals to find employment with new skills.

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  • A Vannes, une aire de jeux inclusive pour tous les enfants

    Le parc de Tohannic, dans le Morbihan, a adapté balançoires, toboggans et autres « tape-cul » aux enfants porteurs d’un handicap. Une manière ludique de rompre avec l’isolement et de jouer comme et avec les autres.

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  • Le Petit Vélo jaune : la bonne voisine du bon parent

    A travers un accompagnement sous forme de binômes "parent-bénévoles", cette association bruxelloise accompagne les parents pour éviter que les difficultés du quotidien n'abîment ou ne ne rompent le lien familial.

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  • How Finland starts its fight against fake news in primary schools

    Building successful resistance to fake information begins with primary education. Finland’s national school curriculum encourages information and media literacy along with critical thinking. The pilot program consists of training teachers, journalists, civil servants, and others in information literacy. The curriculum emphasizes three categories of fake news: misinformation (mistakes), disinformation (lies), and malformation (conspiracies).

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  • High School Starts At 3 p.m. For These Michigan Students

    In Lansing, Michigan, one high school gives students the option to take classes from 3 to 8 p.m., outside of the standard school day. This allows students to hold part-time jobs or internships, fulfill other responsibilities outside classes, and even get more sleep.

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