Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Free Our Youth

    Philadelphia’s Youth Art & Self-Empowerment Project (YASP) offers support for youth experiencing incarceration. Funded by personal donations and grants, they offer art workshops and classes on how to navigate the justice system, manage funds to bail individuals out, and advocate for criminal justice reform. Their advocacy also helped end the practice of sentencing juveniles to life without parole.

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  • A $100 Million Bet That Vacationland Can Be a Tech Hub, Too

    Universities situated in the right market have proven to jumpstart innovation and technological hubs across the country, from San Diego to Boston. Now, Portland, Maine is testing out the economic impact and growth of a new branch of Northeastern Univeristy that focuses on machine learning and artificial intelligence.

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  • Lake Oswego School District Uses Threat Assessment System to Prevent Student Harm

    Oregon's Lake Oswego School District takes a preventative approach to gun violence in its schools. The district's threat assessment team meets with students who have raised red flags, assesses the situation, and, if appropriate, connects them with mental health resources.

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  • Books behind bars: Pilot Pell Grant program helps inmates look toward the future

    At Connecticut’s MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution, people experiencing incarceration have the opportunity to participate in postsecondary classes, even completing a certificate or degree. They’re able to do this because of the Second Chance Pell pilot program, started in 2015, which offers financial aid for inmates to access education. With bipartisan support, there’s hope that the pilot program will grow, as current research shows how the programming reduces recidivism and saves tax dollars.

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  • Out of sight, out of mind: Teachers take action on phones

    When students enter many of their classrooms in Oregon, they are asked to place their phone in a pouch, locker, or other container. The strategy is helping students stay focused and break distracting habits and returning key instruction time to teachers who were spending time policing phone use.

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  • Making Yellow School Buses a Little More Green

    Public school districts are gradually transitioning to electric buses. Electric utilities, concerned about environmental impacts and overloading the grid, are helping to cover the high price tag.

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  • Project Oklahoma: New activity-based learning program helping elementary students

    What if kids were allowed to bounce on yoga balls or draw while they were learning to read? Some teachers and researchers in Oklahoma believe "action-based learning" can help students with behavioral challenges.

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  • À Mitrovica, le rock pour lutter contre les divisions entre Albanais et Serbes au Kosovo

    Au Kosovo, cette école de musique contre les conflits entre Serbe et Albanais en formant des groupes de musique mixtes. En onze ans, la Rock school Mitrovica a vu passer plus de 1.100 jeunes dans ses locaux et elle accueille aujourd’hui environ 80 élèves par an.

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  • The Mitrovica Rock School: bridging the divide between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo

    Music can bridge cultural divides. The Mitrovica Rock School in Mitroviva, Kosovo, encourages young musicians of Albanian and Serbian backgrounds to create music together. The culturally “mixed” bands play across Kosovo. The rock school was founded through a collaboration between Musicians Without Borders and Community Building Mitrovica after Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia.

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  • Privilege for the poor: Farming giant gives back — to its workers' children

    Owners of the Wonderful Company food conglomerate honed their philanthropic efforts on the community they saw had the most need—their own workers' families—by establishing charter schools to improve the quality of life and education in Lost Hills, California. The K-8 school, one of two, has adopted a "cradle to career'' approach, incentivizing college education through in-school college pathways and renewable college scholarships after completing high school, and integrating parents into its mission through tailored educational sessions aimed at bridging cultural divides.

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