Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • An experiment to find teachers who perform better and stay longer shows promising results

    In order to increase teacher retention, the Minneapolis Public School District is asking whether machine learning might improve its hiring process. Researchers believe the tool could identify candidates more likely to stay on and diversify the workforce by reducing human biases.

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  • Water from air: ASU professor's technology produces clean drinking water around the globe

    An elementary school program is teaching students about renewable energy in action. By working with the startup Zero Mass Water, educators can share lessons from the company’s hydropanels, which use solar energy to capture water from the air and turn it into drinking water. The technology is now being used worldwide.

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  • Could a Tax Credit Reduce the Impacts of Philly Students' Debt?

    Leaders in Philadelphia are considering offering a $7,500 tax credit to college graduates who owe $35,000 or more. The city hopes that the program will help retain more talent and chip away at Pennsylvania's high levels of student debt.

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  • A novel idea for California: requiring students to fill out financial aid forms

    Val Verde Unified School District in California requires high school students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Though advocates have documented significant positive culture changes, researchers say the impact of such requirements on college enrollemnt rates remains uncertain.

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  • ¿Cómo logró una escuela técnica bonaerense tener tantas estudiantes mujeres como varones?

    Este reportaje describe cómo una escuela técnica de Buenos Aires logró que la mitad de su estudiantado fueran mujeres. Las carreras técnicas en el mundo suelen ser estudiadas por hombres, pero en esta escuela, liderada por directoras, se implementaron programas para dejar de sexualizar trabajos y luchar por más igualdad.

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  • Z chlapca z osady je mentor, šikanované rómske dievča študuje na vysokej

    Rómsky vzdelávací fond na Slovensku pomáha deťom z rómskej komunity, ktorá v sebe nesie historickú stopu sociálnych a ekonomických znevýhodnení, ako aj etnickej diskriminácie, prekonať problémy pri ukončení strednej školy a pokračovaní vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní. Fond funguje tak, že študentom, ktorí spĺňajú podmienky, poskytuje štipendium na úhradu vzdelávacích pomôcok, ako aj školské poradenstvo a osobné mentorstvo, ktoré pomáha študentom aj rodičom prekonať sociálne prekážky, ktoré bránia študentom v túžbe alebo schopnosti naplniť svoj potenciál.

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  • Building resiliency an elementary school goal

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are implementing several programs to help build resiliency in their students and reduce the risk of suicide. One program includes introducing trauma care coordinators, while another encourages students to write letters about their concerns. Both tactics have had positive results, evident through fewer recorded cases of problematic behavioral issues.

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  • How Cleveland revamped its preschool programs in just five years

    With $14 million in public and private funding, Cleveland transformed its early childhood education offerings in just five years. The partnership called PRE4CLE provided intensive support and funding for staff education and salaries, curricula, classroom supplies, renovations, and more.

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  • University of Chicago projected to be the first U.S. university to charge $100,000 a year

    One way that colleges are able to offer increasing amounts of financial aid is by increasing the full cost for others that can afford to pay. However, studies have found that these strategies are not effectively bringing low-income students to high-cost colleges because they are still seeing a sticker price that appears far out of reach.

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  • More Latinx students gain diplomas on time thanks to 'early college'

    Some of California's rural counties with large Latinx populations are turning to early college models to improve high school graduation and college enrollment rates. Dual enrollment programs aim to help students earn a two-year college certificate or degree upon completion of high school.

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