Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Sonoma and Butte counties see natural lessons in wake of megafires

    California’s Sonoma and Butte counties have been taking new approaches to wildfires – rather than preventing them, they’re hoping to support the ecosystem to withstand them and bounce back. This resilience-centered approach includes controlled burns, fuel breaks, cross-organizational collaboration, and educating the public – especially homeowners – about how they can help.

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  • A district wades through a deluge of social-emotional learning curricula

    As the education community increasingly raises up social-emotional curricula as a solution to rising anxiety levels in young children, it can be hard for schools to know which of the countless programs and curricula are actually effective. One district in Virginia might have found a promising model — Bristol's schools have made several simple changes to give students the space to talk openly about their emotions and are seeing clear academic improvements.

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  • Wisconsin School Breaks Up Lunchtime Cliques With Assigned Seating

    A school in Wisconsin requires that students sit in assigned seats, alongside teachers, during lunch. School administrators hope this will reduce student anxiety, help students develop social skills, and improve school culture.

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  • Displaying, not Hiding, the Reality of Slave Labor in Art

    Coming to terms with the past requires reexamining the way we represent both history and art. The Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, VA, is on the forefront of correcting the absence of enslaved craftsmen in representations of art. The museum’s exhibit on the architectural work at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home presents a fuller story by illuminating the presence and work of enslaved laborers.

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  • A New Housing Program to Fight Poverty has an Unexpected History

    The long-term results of the Gautreaux program, which was intended to reduce poverty, show upward mobility for children of families that were involved in the initiative. The experiment in desegregating neighborhoods led to the relocation of families from public housing projects to suburban neighborhoods which have vital resources like quality education, proximity to jobs, and public safety. Reducing the concentration of poverty from inner cities led to fewer social problems, with the exception of racism faced by the new Black residents in predominantly white neighborhoods.

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  • How a school for students with dyslexia is changing the game for struggling readers

    A public school in Colorado is specifically designed for students with dyslexia. ALLIES offers small class sizes, daily reading therapy periods, and perhaps most importantly a teacher cohort that has all been specifically trained to work with dyslexic students.

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  • A Colorado college boosts income share agreements for DACA students

    Colorado Mountain College has figured out a way to help its undocumented students, who are usually unable to qualify for scholarships, pursue an education by helping them pay through income sharing agreements. The agreements are a contract between the school and the student, but the students' loan incurs no interest, meaning they won't be overloaded with unpayable debt when they finish their degree. CMC has also capped its loan amounts at $3,000 per year, and when students graduate their repayment rate is "4% of the borrower's earned income once that income surpasses $30,000."

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  • Hope in coal country: Parents without diplomas keep their kids in school

    In a former mining county in Kentucky, a high school principal is leveraging partnerships and raising expectations to both encourage students to complete high school and pursue college classes and to stay to work in the county. The school now boasts a 99 percent graduation rate and new programs to attract high-quality teachers.

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  • West Hartford Schools Growing Fresh Produce In Their Own Cafeterias

    Elementary school students in West Hartford, Connecticut are growing fresh produce for their school lunches and in the process learning about healthy eating, energy impact, and food waste. "We’re not telling them to make better choices, but we’re giving them agency to make better choices," a parent who drove the initiative said.

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  • 'The Hardest Part Was Finding a Job'

    Oklahoma’s Mabel Bassett Correctional Center is seeing its first graduating class of women coders. A nonprofit called The Last Mile offers training programs for incarcerated individuals with the goal of equipping them with timely job skills upon re-entry. Those that are a part of the program participate in 40 hours of class per week for a year, learning coding programs like CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap.

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