Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Murtaugh defies the odds with early learning and math improvements

    Once classified as "needing improvement," Idaho's K-12 schools in Murtaugh successfully turned around their lagging math scores with the help of a state-sponsored professional development program. As part of the program, Idaho's four-year universities connect teachers with training and extra resources and provide spaces for collaborative lesson planning.

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  • Montana elementary teachers team up to battle poverty's impacts

    Placing students into smaller groups with peers of similar learning ability allows schools to allocate resources to struggling or underprivileged students. The Peterson Elementary School in Kalispell, Montana, has begun to close the achievement gap for students of lower income families by creating three tiers of educational development. Teachers then tailor curricula around the needs of each peer group.

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  • The Cultural Revolution at the National Library of Israel

    Libraries can serve as spaces for practicing cultural inclusion. The National Library of Israel is working to broaden its target audience and increase the visibility of Muslim culture in Israel. In addition to curating its Islam and Middle East Collection, the Library has expanded educational programs and public outreach related to Islam and Muslim culture. This proactive cultural dialogue also includes a residency program for Arab and Jewish writers.

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  • Las Vegas school connects disadvantaged kids to careers

    A Las Vegas-based magnet school uses a career-technical education approach, specifically preparing students for jobs in high demand at the local and national level. The magnet school, which includes core coursework as well as apprenticeships and industry-caliber projects, places a strong emphasis on hiring a teaching faculty that reflects the diversity of the student body.

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  • Plastic with a Purpose

    A new social enterprise called rePurpose asks consumers to estimate their plastic usage and pay to offset it. Then, the organization funds worker cooperatives in India that provide more stable employment and pay for workers in the recycling industry. Still in its early stages, rePurpose hopes to collaborate with businesses, schools, and individuals to offset their plastic usage.

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  • 'Adulting' classes around St. Louis offer life skills not taught in school

    As American schools have become increasingly focused on preparing students for higher education and careers, life skills classes like home economics, financial literacy, and wood shop classes have fallen to the wayside. Libraries and other institutions are stepping up to fill this gap by offering free "adulting" classes.

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  • Reimagining Baltimore: Schools invite students to help

    A new initiative in Baltimore is changing the way social studies is taught to middle and high school students. BMore Me teaches students the larger context and history of their city with culturally relevant curriculum and encourages them to envision a positive future narrative for their hometown.

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  • She's Giving Every College Student a Life Coach

    After her experience arriving woefully unprepared at Dartmouth, Alex Bernadotte started Beyond 12, a tech nonprofit that provides virtual coaching to graduating high school seniors and college students. Beyond 12 has a special focus on first-generation college students and immigrants to help coach them through problems big and small. Beyond 12 now works with 120 high schools nationwide with more than 100,000 undergrad participants.

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  • These Millennials Got New Roommates. They're Nuns.

    For millennials looking to gain a stronger sense of commitment to social justice and service work, religious traditions can provide a helpful framework. The Nuns and Nones program in Burlingame, California, places young participants into convents. In exchange for low-income housing, the young people help provide care and company for the aging sisters, while also drawing lessons from their participation in—and devotion to—service work.

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  • One City Invests in Child Care That Parents Can Afford: Family and Friends

    As the cost of early childcare education reaches unsustainable levels for many families, advocates are working to support, teach, and validate the informal caregivers, including relatives, friends, and neighbors, who continue to fill in the gaps. Minneapolis, where an estimated 70 percent of preschool-aged children are cared for by family members or friends, is one city leading the charge.

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