Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What parents of dyslexic children are teaching schools about literacy

    Only about 40 percent of students in the fourth and eighth grades in the U.S. are considered proficient in reading. A group of parents in Arkansas, whose students are dyslexic, are introducing new strategies informed by their children's experiences to change the way reading instruction is taught to all students statewide.

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  • St. Vrain, with a decade of momentum, is on a “high-tech high” that's gaining national attention for its students and teachers

    At St. Vrain, a public school in Boulder County, Colorado's district, students work on projects for IBM and about 100 other industry partners, sometimes earning money and college credits in the process. Educators from across the country are flocking to the school to understand how its STEM curriculum and innovative partnerships are increasing the Latino graduation rate and dramatically decreasing the number of suspensions districtwide.

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  • Teachers go to school on racial bias

    At Cambridge Street Upper School, teachers, many of whom are white, meet regularly to discuss their own implicit biases and how they play out in a school in which 60 percent of students identify as black, Latino, or multiracial. "Cultural proficiency is no longer a separate thing we do once a month. It's at the center of what we do," the principal said.

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  • Beyond test scores: Colorado experiments create alternatives for rating schools

    For the past four years, several rural Colorado school districts have experimented with alternative forms of evaluation that don't rely solely on the results of educational testing. Now, a proposed bill, with wide support, would provide financial and logistical support to these pilots.

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  • Running Out of Children, a South Korea School Enrolls Illiterate Grandmothers

    In some schools in rural South Korea, grandchildren and grandparents learn side by side. In recent years, a declining birthrate in South Korea has led to empty seats in many elementary schools. Many elder women, who missed out on the chance at a full education themselves, are helping to fill the vacancies.

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  • Vermont Requires Child Sexual Abuse Prevention. Could Wyoming, Too?

    Vermont is the first state to pass comprehensive legislation that requires schools to include child sexual abuse prevention into their curriculum. Many schools have taken this new legislation and built their prevention curriculum around understanding consent and creating a space where children feel as though they can report their experiences. While Wyoming has similar legislation in place, they’re looking to Vermont as a model for taking a more inclusive, direct approach.

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  • Could a regional approach to teacher home visits work in King County? It has in Dallas and Fort Worth.

    Teacher home visits have been hailed as a strategy to improve student performance; however, in areas where students regularly move across district lines, a regional home-visit approach may be necessary. The Dallas-Fort Worth area has emerged as one model.

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  • A Public School Makes the Case for ‘Montessori for All'

    “From 2000 to 2015, more than 300 public Montessori schools have opened across the U.S., often in low-income and racially diverse communities.” Montessori schools have a different approach to teaching—tactile learning, that is more holistic and child-centered. For decades, these schools were mostly in white, affluent communities, but that is changing, and their methods suggest they work. A recent study found that Montessori schools in South Carolina outperformed their counterparts in standardized tests.

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  • San Francisco Had an Ambitious Plan to Tackle School Segregation. It Made It Worse.

    San Francisco's choice-based enrollment process, once heralded as a solution to the city's segregated schools, is now called "a cautionary tale" by most local parents. The system gives preference to residents of neighborhoods with low test scores. Among other issues, such as incomplete transit options, this system fails to account for rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods where affluent residents are increasingly living in historically low test score zones.

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  • Coming home: How offender re-entry programs increase job placement and decrease recidivism

    Maine's only offender re-entry program for women in Windham is on its way to replicate the success of similar programs in Texas and Nevada. Federal justice research has shown that offenders that go through re-entry programs are less likely to reoffend and more likely to hold down a steady job. The Windham program works towards this through their education program that incorporates students from local colleges as well as utilizing a collection of best practices developed by similar programs.

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