Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Citywide data partnership offers new ways to serve students

    The Kansas City school district and a group of local nonprofits are implementing a new software management system that will allow partners to access student data from a range of sources. The data-sharing agreement will paint a more holistic picture of students and, in the future, allow teachers and others to make informed interventions when appropriate.

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  • Denmark's "sex week" helps kids navigate their sexuality

    Every year, the sixth week of classes in Denmark is dedicated to sex education. Over 20,000 teachers and 400,000 students participate in programming that goes beyond the basics to challenge participants to analyze gender norms, sexual rights, and laws in other countries related to sex.

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  • Cómo Entre Ríos desarrolló el único sistema de becas universitarias del país financiado por sus egresados

    En Argentina, la tasa de deserción promedio en la población universitaria con menores ingresos es del 55%. En la provincia de Entre Ríos, la inclusión universitaria es política de Estado: mediante el Impuesto al Ejercicio de Profesiones Liberales, han logrado solventar becas a alumnos con recursos económicos insuficientes para realizar una carrera universitaria o terciaria, lo que generó un aumento de un 158% en la cantidad de estudiantes universitarios entre 2001 y 2016.

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  • Schools Find a New Way to Combat Student Absences: Washing Machines

    Schools have found that, among other deterrents, dirty clothes are one reason students skip school. Some, serving predominantly low-income populations, have now installed washing machines within their buildings, offering students free laundry services during the school day.

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  • This city is short of teachers. It's tapping immigrants to help.

    The City of Portland, Maine, has created a new path to teacher certification for immigrants who served as teachers in their home countries. The program aims to help immigrants navigate the country's complicated teacher education system, diversify Portland's public schools, and address a shortage of qualified educators in the city.

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  • Tennessee's Achievement School District is trying to cut its suspension rate

    A Memphis charter middle school requires teachers to complete professional development courses on restorative justice practices and the impact of trauma and poverty on student behavior. This year, the school has halved the number of suspensions.

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  • Here's how Brown University is tackling toxic masculinity

    Changing norms surrounding masculinity begins with destigmatizing communication. Masculinity 101, a peer discussion group at Brown University, encourages students to be mindful of their behavior by promoting discussion about social norms and healthy relationships. The group reflects a broader desire among university students in the US to change toxic aspects of masculinity, including sexual violence, and to promote positive emotional development among their peers.

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  • Au Burkina Faso, la «paire éducation» pour venir à bout du sida

    Pour lutter contre la propagation Sida, le Burkina Faso mise sur l'éducation par les pairs.Le pays peut se targuer d’avoir vu réduit de moitié le nombre de décès liés au sida depuis dix ans.

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  • 4-H boosting school success

    Albuquerque Public Schools are the first in the nation to incorporate the 4-H model, pioneered by a youth development nonprofit, into the school day. The emphasis on experiential learning has led to reductions in behavioral issues and improvements in subject proficiency test scores.

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  • Oregon's unique Title IX reporting policy gives autonomy to students

    Confidential points of contact allow victims to reach out about Title IX violations and sexual assault on their own terms. Following multiple incidents involving members of its basketball team, the University of Oregon has reconfigured its approach to Title IX with new policies that give victims control over when an incident is reported. The broader Title IX program defines expectations and sets norms surrounding sexual harassment and consent through educational programs, digital resources, a student hotline, and the designation of individuals as confidential points of contact.

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