Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Millennial Who Uses Comedy to Help Veterans Heal

    A D.C. non-profit is using storytelling, improv, and comedy to bridge the gap between veterans and civilians. A study by doctors at Western Carolina University found that the program resulted in "a significant increase in commitment, control and self-esteem, as well as decreased stress," and the Armed Services Arts Partnership can't accommodate everyone who requests to join the program.

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  • Indiana's free pre-K: Adored by parents, beset with growing pains

    Since 2014, low-income parents who enroll their children in Indiana's state grant program, On My Way Pre-K, have watched their students gain important literacy skills and self-confidence. However, only four percent of the state's qualifying four year olds currently participate in the initiative. Teachers are now brainstorming strategies to eliminate barriers to parents applying for the funding.

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  • How opera found an open ear in South Africa's townships

    Shirley Apthorp was inspired by Venezuela's El Sistema, a national system that provides impoverished kids access to music education. She wanted to do something similar with opera in South Africa, were the genre was once a privilege enjoyed by white people. So, Apthort created Unculo, an organization that aims to support social change through music.

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  • Why Restorative Justice Is About More Than Reducing Suspensions

    Restorative justice, an approach commonly associated with international conflict resolution, is being brought into schools to replace harsh discipline with conversations about harm caused and opportunities for students to repair that harm. So far, research shows that this approach helps students feel respected and can curb the use of out-of-school suspensions.

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  • School-going girls to be skilled in making re-usable sanitary towels

    Kabubbu Development Project is a reproductive health NGO in Wakiso district of Uganda that is teaching middle and high school girls to make reusable sanitary pads. Lack of pads can mean the difference between going to school or not. The school found that when some young women had no money they turned to prostitution to afford hygiene products and go to school.

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  • Together, Parents Boost Their Children's Early Learning

    In an effort to improve kindergarten readiness, First Teacher, a parent-driven movement and non-profit, provides support and instruction to parents in several of Boston's low-income neighborhoods. The organization "aims to upend the traditional power dynamic with a bottom-up model in which parents, rather than institutions, take the lead" and reverse the effects of the "well-intentioned efforts that [that] leave parents of color feeling scrutinized, judged and powerless."

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  • In a state troubled by suicide, teens learn mental health skills

    Making space for mental health awareness in school curricula aids in suicide prevention among teens. Schools in rural Montana have begun to adopt the Youth Aware of Mental Health program (YAM), which originated in Sweden. An initiative at the Center for Mental Health Research and Recovery at Montana State University succeeding in developing the pilot program, launched in 2018. The ongoing classes serve as a safe space for discussion and student-driven activities, using role-play scenarios and teaching students how to look out for signs of mental illness and reach out for help.

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  • India, which has long focused on student success, now offers ‘happiness' classes

    Each day, 100,000 students in Delhi begin their school schedule with a 30-minute lesson focused on happiness and well-being. This curriculum is part of the capital's push to encourage innovation in government schools and complement the traditional rote memorization style of instruction. At the same time that the administration has instituted "happiness" classes and other initiatives, public schools have started to outperform private schools in the city.

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  • Keby sme boli Rómovia, z Británie by sme sa už nevrátili

    V ostrom kontraste s ich slovenskou vlasťou, Anglicko otvorilo svoju náruč rómskym prisťahovalcom a ponúklo im súbor opatrení, ktoré im majú pomôcť uspieť v ich novej krajine. Rómovia, ktorí sa stali obeťami rasizmu na oboch miestach, ale najmä medzi Slovákmi, dostávajú v Anglicku zdravotné poradenstvo a pomoc pri vzdelávaní, ktorých podstatou je inklúzia. Napríklad britská politika v oblasti školskej dochádzky zvýšila dochádzku rómskych detí o 30 percent a len málo z nich je posunutých do špeciálnych škôl.

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  • Why didn't this program aimed at boosting teacher effectiveness help students?

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's teacher-evaluation reform initiative failed to generate the expected improvements in student performance, according to a recent study published by RAND. Critics point to the program's singular focus on teacher improvement as a reason for its shortcomings. Frederick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute summarizes, "It was an expensive experiment, but it was a reasonable hypothesis. ... For good or bad, we've learned a lot."

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