Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After Decades of Reform, Has Chicago Finally Learned How to Fix Education?

    In 2017, researchers found that Chicago elementary and middle school students were improving their test scores at a faster pace than almost all of their peers nationwide. Reflecting on this surprising statistic and lessons learned from 30 years of education reform experimentation, CPS points to its emphasis on high quality principal development and teacher mentoring programs as one of the most crucial factors in the turnaround.

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  • How an Unknown Reformer Rescued One of America's Most Troubled School Districts

    In his five years as superintendent of Camden public schools, Paymon Rouhanifard shepherded in a new era of increasing graduation and decreasing suspension rates. Rouhanifard "avoided the extremes of zigzagging educational trends" and combined his background as both a politician and an educator to offer up a long term path to improvement, one that took into consideration the fate of public and charter schools alike. As Rouhanifard moves on, he leaves a unique legacy, one he hopes will prove resistant to the whims of short-term education reform trends.

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  • The Rise of College ‘Grade Forgiveness'

    Universities around the country are participating in a policy called grade forgiveness, which allows students to retake a course they failed. Around 91 percent of universities allow this practice. Nationally, grade forgiveness has been working “In 2015, 42 percent of grades were top marks, compared to 31 percent in 1988.” Ultimately, the policy can lead to student retention and higher graduation rates. “We see students achieve more success because they retake a course and do better in subsequent courses or master the content that allows them to graduate on time.”

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  • 1 Neighborhood. 24 Kindergarten Classes. 40 Languages. (Some Miming Helps.)

    At Toronto's Fraser Mustard Early Learning Academy, the immigrant-heavy kindergarten class enters speaking over 40 different languages. Most students are from low-income backgrounds, with many needing individualized special education. Through miming, pictures, and a longer school day, Mustard Academy works to reach and prepare all kindergarten-age children before they begin elementary classes.

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  • Brazil's audacious plan to fight poverty using neuroscience and parents' love

    Criança Feliz (Happy Child), is a parent-coaching program that was launched in Brazil in 2017 to help parents and children build healthier relationships. The program works by sending skilled social workers to the most financially disadvantaged regions of Brazil to help parents learn the importance of play, emotional interaction and well-being, and how to stimulate intellectual development through interactive activities. The program has already reached 300,000 families.

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  • Big Tech's Hot New Talent Incubator: Community College

    Disappointed with the talent and skills coming out of traditional four year liberal arts colleges, high-profile tech companies, such as Amazon and Google, are turning to community colleges as a new source of desperately-needed tech talent. Companies are offering their own curricula and apprenticeships to ensure students are prepared for the workplaces they will graduate into.

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  • The People Behind Your Tech Addiction Are Now Trying to Curb It

    Teaching people about the harmful impacts of social media and tech addiction are a crucial first step in mitigating its consequences. The Center for Human Technology (CHT) has partnered with Common Sense Media to launch the Truth About Tech campaign, which calls for a shift in values surrounding technology and tech companies. The organizations accomplish this through a curricula designed to teach awareness and mindfulness about tech use beginning at an early age. By high school, students are introduced to ethical design principles.

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  • Teach primary school pupils about finance, say City firms

    After taking three 75-minute courses, primary school students in England demonstrated an improved grasp of money management topics - for instance, a study of the pilot found that "68% of those pupils who showed little capacity for delaying gratification initially, did so at the end of the sessions." With this evidence and more on their side, Britain's leading firms are pushing to institute financial education in primary education courses.

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  • Using schools to bring a dying Rust Belt city back to life

    In East St. Louis, which is often known by outsiders for its 50 percent unemployment rate and status as the worst performing school district in the country, leaders are using a "collective impact" approach to improve test scores and social services. Officials and nonprofits have connected all community services "and use the school district, the entity that touches the lives of almost every kid in town, to help parents tap into that network." Longtime residents, who have seen many efforts flail over the years, offer mixed reviews of the newest initiative.

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  • Bug reserve: Inside Britain's brownfield rainforest

    Insect populations are rapidly decreasing across Europe thanks largely in part to human-introduced pesticides. In Britain, entomologists are trying to slow the decline and reintroduce insects by turning abandoned sites into nature reserves for insects.

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