Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Cry for Help from Teen Boys in Austin is Answered

    The mentoring program Project MALES helps young Black and Latino men normalize talking to peers about their feelings and struggles in an effort to tackle the teen mental health crisis.

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  • Blackburn Middle Schoolers Grow, Sell Produce at Own Farmers Market

    In Blackburn Middle School's Learning Garden, students get hands-on experience with planting, cultivating, and selling their own crops. The school also hosts a student-led farmers market and collard greens cook-off where they can show off the fruits of their labor.

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  • Tackling the supply side of the EMS shortage

    To combat the EMS shortage exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, a collaboration between a college and emergency services department is working to train paramedics by providing students access to high-end facilities, instructors, and experiences. Similar programs have popped up around the country, specifically in rural areas where the EMS shortage is even more apparent.

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  • Inside Dallas schools' attempt to eliminate most suspensions to help kids of color

    In an effort to eliminate suspensions that disproportionately affect Black and brown students, Dallas Independent School District created on-campus reset centers where staff mediate conflicts between students and help them reflect on their behavior. Disciplinary action has declined since the centers were implemented, and the percentage of students being repeatedly disciplined fell from 28 percent to 13 percent.

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  • Universités et entreprises tendent la main aux jeunes Asperger

    75 % à 95 % des personnesdes personnes auxquelles on a diagnostiqué une forme d’autisme sont sans emploi, selon les estimations. Depuis 2018, le dispositif Université Aspies-Friendly travaille à leur inclusion dans l’enseignement supérieur A ce jour, vingt-cinq universités participent au projet pour quelque 500 étudiants autistes accompagnés.

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  • In Barcelona, a group of Roma people is fighting against poor representation in universities

    Through admissions counseling, tutoring and fellowship, volunteer-based association CampusRom is helping get more Roma students into Spanish university classrooms — and stay there. In 2021, 75% of enrolled students passed their courses, many participants return as volunteers after finishing their studies, and the system has been adopted in other Spanish regions of the country as well.

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  • Flint pastor builds laundromat to help families experiencing hygiene poverty

    Programs that bring laundry services to schools, churches, and community centers drastically improve attendance. A lack of access to laundry services and products can lead to a number of issues such as school absenteeism, which can lead to decreased literacy rates, higher suspension rates, and a higher likelihood of dropping out.

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  • College works to tackle growing housing insecurity among students

    The Fainbarg Chase Thrive Center allocated about $20,000 in emergency grants to provide students with temporary housing in partnership with local hotels that also cover utility bills and down payments. So far, the Center has supported 13 students financially, the majority of which were in need of long-term housing support after experiencing homelessness.

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  • Training on pasture recovery is a win-win for Brazil's cattle ranchers and forests

    Providing cattle ranchers in Brazil with training and monthly technical assistance in sustainable pasture restoration reduces carbon dioxide emissions while increasing productivity and revenue for ranchers.

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  • Malabar Care Connect reduces healthcare barriers for students and families

    A health center based in a school provides free services to students and their families to help children succeed academically.

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