Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Dvi dienos universitete, trys – darbe: Vokietija jaunimo įdarbinimo sėkmės formulę atrado prieš daugybę metų

    Vokietijoje jaunimo nedarbas yra itin žemas, nes šalyje skatinamas ankstyvas įsiliejimas į darbo rinką - universitetai, kolegijos, profesinio rengimo centrai siūlo programas, kurių metu dalį laiko studijuoji, o kitą - skiri dirbti su specialybe susijusį darbą.

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  • How Indigenous-led organizations are rebuilding connection to language and culture

    The Nisaika Kum’tuks and Tsawalk learning centers provide alternative schooling options for Indigenous students to learn more about their culture and languages. The centers teach a total of 100 students from 23 different nations, many of whom come from single-family homes that are experiencing economic hardship or have been part of the foster care system. While the schools have recently shut down to be consolidated with the local school system, efforts are underway to create a new learning center that continues the mission of combining traditional knowledge and culture with academia.

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  • St. Paul recruitment program aims to diversify police ranks

    To boost diversity in its ranks as part of its outreach to improve community relations, the St. Paul Police Department created a two-year apprenticeship program that makes law enforcement careers more accessible by clearing the financial and educational barriers that stand in the way. Eight program graduates now serve on the force and two dozen more are about to enter the next police academy. Nearly all are people of color and low-income, and nearly half are women. The program pays a stipend while students work in the community and take classes, with counseling and mentoring services.

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  • Nyderlanduose studentams nereikia rinktis tarp darbo ir studijų, o dirbantieji dar skatinami subsidijomis

    Jaunimo nedarbo riziką Nyderlandai sprendžia suteikdami lengvatas ir lengvatines studijų paskolas dirbančiam studijuojančiam jaunimui. Svarstoma, ar ir Lietuvoje galėtų veikti panaši sistema.

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  • Manchester parents form grassroots tutoring initiative to help kids rise to educational challenges

    Parents, educators, and other members of the community have formed a volunteer tutoring service for children of black, brown, and immigrant families. Extra resources and educational support are necessary for the 46 percent of the Manchester school district students who come from communities of color. In the aftermath of the pandemic, parents were left seeking additional academic support and worked together to provide the solution for their children.

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  • Two KCK schools shifting focus from punishment to make schools safer, reduce suspensions

    Restorative discipline in classrooms is allowing students to focus on building relationships and repairing harm instead of suffering punishments. The practice prioritizes communication in an effort to emphasize community as well as reduce suspensions. The technique has had proven success in other schools, resulting in dramatic decreases in safety offenses.

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  • School district grows leaders from within to battle housing pressure in hiring

    In order to develop the next generation of school administrative leaders, the Teton County School District created a leadership development program. The aim of the program is to create a pool of candidates who will become the next principals, curriculum exports and mentors. A sort of pipeline. The two year program includes a capstone, internships, and lessons. Five years since its inception, 36 people have graduated, half of those entered leadership roles in the district.

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  • Clearing a Path from Prison to the Bar Exam

    The Formerly Incarcerated Law Students Advocacy Association at City University of New York's law school mentors people whose criminal records serve as a barrier to pursuing a law career. FILSAA is part of a movement to nurture law-practice dreams and make them a reality by knocking down those barriers, including restrictive use of states' "character and fitness" requirements to become licensed to practice. Before that step, mentors can help people prepare for the LSAT and succeed in law school. Advocates say that lawyers with lived experience can serve clients better by earning their trust more readily.

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  • College-in-prison programs have many benefits, but barriers to access abound

    College-in-prison programs like Wesleyan University's Center for Prison Education have a track record for improving incarcerated students' lives, lowering crime, and making prisons safer. But a number of factors compromise the number and effectiveness of such programs. Many fewer programs exist since incarcerated students were denied Pell Grants beginning in the 1990s. A 2015 program aimed at making financial aid more accessible poses a number of logistical hurdles. Prisons themselves can be inhospitable environments for attending classes and independent studies.

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  • The search for the Dr. Fauci of climate change

    The key to delivering more comprehensive medical care might involve 'climate medicine.' The purpose of climate medicine involves educating doctors about how to approach the treatment of people affected by the changing environment--think respiratory issues, for example. The first ever fellowship involving climate-focused medical education for doctors came about in 2017, with the aim of embedding those doctors within federal agencies dealing with climate change.

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