Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How One School Is Using House Calls to Keep Kids Learning During the Pandemic

    Every Wednesday, the Culture Team at Achievement Preparatory Academy in Washington, D.C. makes house calls to help battle chronic absenteeism. The team celebrates some students for improvements and perfect attendance, helps motivate others who are falling behind, and maintains contact with others who just need a little push.

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  • The Fight to Change Social Studies in Nebraska

    Students and educators in Nebraska are driving the change to change history curriculum to reflect history that places more emphasis on the narratives on indigenous and marginalized peoples. Students are emphasizing of historically erased narratives by creating social media videos, as well as creating petitions to change curricula in English and history classes.

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  • Mothers and Sons program helps women raise boys to become non-violent, respectful men

    Mothers and Sons is a six-week domestic-violence prevention program for boys 6-8 years old and their mothers. Unlike programs aimed at older youth and men, mothers sign up for this because they want their sons to grow up with healthy, respectful, non-violent attitudes toward women. While mothers meet with social workers to discuss parenting skills, boys meet with a male psychologist to learn good ways to handle their emotions and self-expression. Demand for the program has been strong among area mothers, who have given it positive reviews after they completed it.

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  • With gun suicides on the rise, a rare hotline staffed by St. Louis teens saves lives

    Kids Under Twenty One has taken phone calls from thousands of St. Louis-area youth to its 24/7 crisis hotline and has educated many more students at 60 schools in four counties. Teens staff the hotline, a rarity. KUTO counters the myth that talking about teens' suicide risks encouraging suicides. Instead, education about mental health care and gun safety promotes intervention during critical moments and reduces the stigma associated with seeking help. Missouri's teen suicide rate is among the highest in the country, but the St. Louis area, where KUTO has worked for 20 years, is among the state's lowest.

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  • A High School in Ohio Is Giving Students a Choice: Keep Up With Remote Learning — Or You Have to Come Back to the Classroom

    In order to address high rates of student absences, administrators at Shaw High School in East Cleveland had to make an extreme decision—bring all students back to the classroom two days a week amid the pandemic, unless they had attended 80% of classes and had a passing grade. So far, the administrators are seeing students' grades rising and the approach seems promising.

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  • Massachusetts Actually Might Have a Way to Keep Schools Open

    In Massachussetts, a two-month long state-run pilot program is allowing some schools to resume in-person classes. Each week, more than 300,000 students are tested through the program. Instead of individual tests, the program uses “pool-testing,” “which batches samples from multiple people into a single tube.” The method is cheaper. The weekly tests allows schools to stay ahead of outbreaks. For now, the state is paying for the program, which costs up to $60 million. After the two months, the districts will have to pay for the program themselves.

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  • Legos, Meditation, Video Field Trips: How One D.C. School Is Using Virtual Clubs to Help Students Break Through the Isolation — and Reconnect With Friends — During the Pandemic

    Themed, online student clubs are a new, home-grown venture for Two Rivers Elementary School in Washington, D.C. Previously, afterschool programming was run in-person and primarily by the network’s after care provider and outside agencies. The school started running a handful of virtual clubs at their respective campuses serving a few dozen students around late September, with weekly attendance growing as the number of clubs expanded.

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  • Lifeline: How Bilingual Learning Pods Are Helping English Language Learners Navigate Classes During the Pandemic Without Teachers or Peers

    English language learners in Cleveland, Ohio are getting the help they need to get through school through bilingual learning pods. Esperanza Inc., a local non-profit, opened up centers for Spanish-speaking students catch up on their remote learning lessons, but the crucial part was staffing the center with bilingual staff. The centers currently have a waitlist and serve anywhere from 40-50 students.

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  • Schools Look To Algorithms To Flag Students Who May Harm Themselves

    Companies like Gaggle are typically used by school districts to track student online behavior, but now they are tracking something else—self-harm. Machine learning flags words that might indicate a student is thinking of hurting themselves. “It gives us insight into what the student's thinking.” Gaggle identified 64,000 student references to suicide and self-harm. The company claims to have saved 927 student lives. In Mason City, districts receive alerts when a student’s search is flagged. “Nicole Pfirman says there have been a few times where she believes an alert saved a kid's life.”

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  • In a city where bullets too often hit kids, a program calls on young people to shoot cameras, not guns

    A group of D.C. teens produced a short film depicting life in their neighborhood, the final product of a pilot project that teaches filmmaking skills in order to lift up community voices and inspire youth to pursue a career. The program, "Don't Shoot Guns, Shoot Cameras," was started by the uncle of a homicide victim in a neighborhood where violence can feel more prevalent than positive inspiration. The program, which partnered with an existing nonprofit, is now seeking to expand.

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