Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How this Queens community built $1,000 college savings accounts for all its kids

    A nonprofit in New York is helping communities provide economically disadvantaged children with a financial pathway to college. Kids in school district 30 are given $1000 each in a college-saving fund with initial money invested by the nonprofit and much of it raised through community members and businesses. The initiative was started to help bridge the racial wealth gap in the city.

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  • This former residential school is now a centre for reconciliation

    Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie has repurposed a former residential school building into the Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre where students can learn about their Indigenous history and heritage. In the past, indigenous people were sent to these schools and stripped of their language, cultures, and traditions. Now, educators at SRSC are teaching newer generations of indigenous students rediscover their culture.

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  • « Ecole des maris », « Club des garçons » : ces initiatives inspirantes qui impactent

    Grâce à la formation et la sensibilisation des garçons et des hommes aux question de plannification familliale, le Togo voit une hausse d'utilisation de moyens de contraception et une amélioration des relations familliales.

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  • How 5 universities tried to handle COVID-19 on campus

    Universities are breeding grounds for COVID-19. In August and September they had to figure out the best way to test, control, and contain a virus on campus. Across the country universities launched a plethora of methods: weekly testing, staggered testing, training student health ambassadors, and even a community court. This article highlights the endeavors of 5 universities.

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  • L'association Itawa forme les gardes d'enfants à domicile à limiter l'utilisation de polluants

    Choix des jouets, hygiène, nettoyage écologique… Pour limiter l’exposition des enfants aux perturbateurs endocriniens, Itawa forme des brigades de nounous écolos.

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  • Online therapy helps students tackle mental health during pandemic

    Santa Ana College offered mental health services online for students dealing with depression, anxiety, and other issues exacerbated by COVID-19. Hundreds of students utilized the services, which include ten counseling sessions students are allotted each year. Sessions are conducted over secure connections using any device that can access Canvas or by phone. The Health and Wellness Center also reaches students with an Instagram account and weekly Zoom workshops. The 23 workshops cover topics like self-care, procrastination, tips to better sleep at night, and coping with rejection and loss.

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  • In-person classes. Old buildings. Almost no COVID. Are Philly Catholic schools a blueprint?

    Catholic schools in Philadelphia that have reopened during the pandemic have been able to avoid in-school community transmission amongst students and staff. Relying heavily on safety precautions, rigid systems and protocols, and community trust, the schools have been able to bring back 95% of their elementary students for face-to-face learning.

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  • California students watch and learn through hands-on projects as Mars rover lands

    Some California teachers developed lengthy, involved lessons to teach elementary school students about the historic Mars rover landing, in spite of virtual limitations. A teacher in Kumeyaay Elementary in San Diego County had her students build colonies out of household materials and collected them later to be combined together in the classroom to share with students. Another teacher at Bell Gardens Elementary School in Montebello Unified put together a remote "escape room," where students were led on a guided exploration where they had to problem-solve in order to receive more clues and get to the end.

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  • Outdoor preschools grow in popularity but most serve middle class white kids

    Outdoor schools are growing in popularity, but don't often reflect the diverse communities they serve. Two outdoor schools, one in New Mexico and the other in Washington state, are implementing programs and strategies to address the root of this systemic issue. Tiny Trees Preschool in Seattle has found success through its Redefining The Outdoors program, which gets more families of color involved in the outdoors, and by offering tuition assistance to families of color and those facing economic hardships.

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  • DIY-style school helps educate Indian migrants facing eviction

    Evictions can have devastating effects on a student’s access to education, forcing some to drop out of school. In Delhi, a city in India, a school was built by students, community members, and volunteers using locally-sourced materials. The community had been forcibly removed from their homes, and the students were left without a school.

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