Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nashville's ‘Navigator' Tries to Keep Students in Remote Learning From Getting Lost in the System

    In order to keep track of students and prevent them from dropping out, the Nashville district created “Navigators.” A corps of 5,600 school employees- teachers, lunchroom workers, and bookkeepers, who track students through weekly phone and video calls. The navigators have “completed roughly 220,000 calls to parents and students since school started in August,” each with a caseload of 6 to 12 students. Their conversations have led from everything to helping students complete assignments, to buying groceries, to finding out students are homeless.

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  • I've experienced racism all my life. But a course called 'Unlearning Racism' opened my eyes to new information and ideas.

    Milwaukee is one of the most segregated cities in the country. Nationally, a Gallup poll found that 55% of Americans believe “race relations between Blacks and whites to be either "very or somewhat bad." To improve race relations, the YMCA in Milwaukee created a course called, “Unlearning Racism.” Participants ranged in race, occupation, and age. The class covered topics like white privilege and how to address racism. It also required students to engage in discussions about racism.

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  • Caminho suave: professores e voluntários se desdobraram para combater as desigualdades no ensino à distância

    A reportagem especial mostra como alguns professores e voluntários lidaram com a pandemia de Covid-19 para ajudar outras pessoas a continuarem estudando. Elisandra Rodrigues Ferreira, por exemplo, visita cada estudante que não tem internet em Mucambo, no Ceará, para garantir que todos tenham aulas.

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  • These Buses Bring School to Students

    In Jackson, Michigan, 1 in 5 children have access to wifi through school buses. Out of the roughly 5,000 children, 70 percent qualify for free and reduced lunch. The buses guarantee they have reliable access to the internet during a pandemic. The buses park outside apartment complexes, a homeless shelter, and the rec center from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s just one way the school district is adapting to student needs during a health pandemic.

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  • Children as Catalysts for Change

    Ukraine ranked No.9 on the list of countries with the highest amount of trash per capita. In Mykolayiv, the city partnered with a nonprofit to sort waste at public schools. “A total of 20,000 students took part last year, collecting, sorting, and recycling 119 tons of waste.” The program has proven successful, students compete for a top prize. Children are “our agents of change.” Other towns want to adopt the program in their own schools.

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  • The child trafficking survivors training to prosecute sex crimes

    The School for Justice provides an education in law or advocacy to young women who have survived sex trafficking. The program started in Kolkata in 2017 and has expanded to Mumbai and Katmandu. Forty students receive housing, counseling, and free tuition to the local university of their choice, where they can study to be lawyers, paralegals, social workers, police officers, or journalists. The goal is to equip them with the tools they need to protect others from child sexual exploitation and to bring perpetrators to justice. Along the way, they begin to heal through empowerment and peer support.

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  • Дети – агенты изменений. Как работает раздельный сбор мусора в школах Николаева

    Україна посідає дев'яте місце в переліку країн із найбільшим обсягом сміття на душу населення. У Миколаєві міська влада та громадська організація об'єдналися, щоб сортувати відходи у школах міста. "Загалом проєкт залучив 20,000 школярів, яким за рік вдалося зібрати, відсортувати й надіслати на переробку 119 тонн сміття". Програма довела свою успішність, школярі змагаються за першість у сортуванні. Діти таки є "нашими агентами змін". Інші міста виявляють прагнення запровадити програму для власних шкіл.

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  • Discutiendo soluciones educativas para familias que hablan español

    Un grupo de periodistas que documentaron las soluciones creadas por centros educativos y educadores, a problemas educativos causados por la pandemia, comparten sus ideas, recursos y retos para que se puedan fortalecer y replicar.

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  • Mother-daughter trio brings the great outdoors to children living in the city

    A mother-daughter trio started the nonprofit See You at the Top as a way to get children engaged in outdoor sports where there is traditionally a lack of people of color represented. The program has reached hundreds of families who have participated in activities like skiing, snowboarding, and biking. "As a culture, we distance ourselves from these activities and say that's not what we do, but we have to begin to see ourselves in these outdoor spaces and know it is something we can all do and enjoy together," said one of the cofounders.

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  • How one school became a ‘COVID-19 Safety Zone' through innovative testing

    High school students at Somerset High School in San Antonio, Texas get tested every week for COVID-19. The method is called “assurance testing,” and is a way to target “silent spreaders,” people who have COVID who don’t show symptoms and spread the virus to the larger community. With assurance testing, silent spreaders are quickly identified, preventing them from spreading COVID. “Of the 70,000 tests Community Labs has run so far, 1,700 were identified as positive for COVID-19. Most of those positive test results came from people who were asymptomatic and had no idea they had the virus.”

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