Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Carlsbad Literacy Program begins in-person instruction after months of closure

    The Carlsbad Literacy Program provides free tutoring to adults who want help with their literacy skills. The program's students in the program include English language learners, and also helps with citizenship skills, and preparing for the High School Equivalency Test. The program is a nonprofit, which started in 1985, and relies on volunteers to serve as tutors.

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  • Seniors Stay Connected Despite COVID-19

    Senior citizens in Los Angeles are coping with isolation during these times of social distancing by learning how to use technology that will connect them to their loved ones. Technology training specifically geared to the elderly include lessons about social media, making zoom calls, and using tablets and smart phones. Seniors are also being supported through home deliveries and weekly phone calls just to check in and say 'hi'.

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  • Missing students: Educators knock on doors to find them Audio icon

    Apps that track students’ online activity, door-to-door visits, and receiving input from families on how to reopen schools, are all ways school districts across the country are responding to absenteeism during the pandemic. In one San Antonio district, they were able to locate around 2,900 of the 3,000 students who weren’t showing up to classes.

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  • Helping Students With Remote Learning — By Also Aiding Their Parents With Wraparound Services: How One Texas Community Center Is Helping Families Facing Impossible Choices

    In San Antonio, the Guadalupe Community Center is providing a free “day school” for children of working-class families in the city’s poorest zip code. The center serves around 30 K-12 students where they can safely attend virtual classes. The center also provides families with “clothing, food, counseling, and help with utilities.” The center runs 40 other similar programs throughout the city.

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  • Schools revamp meal programs during COVID-19 to curb childhood hunger, with potential to fix long-term problems

    Administrators at Mora Independent School District have discovered that the best way to help keep their students fed during the coronavirus pandemic is to offer as many flexible options as possible. The schools have mailed meals, as well as delivering them via school buses, and offered in-school pick-up. Before closing schools, only 100 families received meals, and that number has now increased to 400 families, and schools all over New Mexico want longer-term solutions. They've now incorporated libraries and community centers to expand food accessibility.

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  • As Wilderness Areas Attract More People, Volunteer Rangers Hit The Trail

    About 40 volunteer wilderness stewards of the Idaho Conservation League are helping to educate hikers about how to be good outdoor trekkers like disposing of waste properly and staying on the trail. While these volunteers can’t legally enforce the rules, last year, they have destroyed 109 illegal campfire rings and got rid of 100 pounds of litter. These volunteers programs could be effective as other government initiative budgets are cut and more and more people are exploring nature.

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  • State of Texas: Lawmakers weigh ‘solutions' proposed for education equity during pandemic

    In Texas, 2 million households in the state don’t have high speed internet, affecting students of color at a greater rate. Some districts have also had problems with chronic absenteeism. This segment explores creative solutions enacted by different schools in Texas. In Lockhart ISD the district built seven cell phone towers to provide high speed internet to rural students who lived in dead zones. In Leander ISD, a librarian and a parent when door knocking to reconnect with absent bilingual students. In Manor ISD, a digital tracking system helped boost the rate of contactable students from 91 percent, to 99.

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  • A parent-led effort to close the digital divide

    When Clark County School District moved to an all-remote plan for school, it distributed 10,000 devices, close to 20,000 students had no way to connect their online classes. A parent, with the help of a SCSD teacher and a board of education member, created a Facebook group to help spanish-speaking families express if they needed a device for their kids and help fill those needs. The group gained traction and attention and has since received 550 device requests, fulfilling 162. The group relies on monetary and computer donations from individuals and businesses.

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  • ScholarshipsA-Z se renueva y redobla su apoyo a los "soñadores" durante la crisis del COVID

    ScholarshipsA-Z en Tucson, esta ayudando a "soñadores" (estudiantes indocumentados y con DACA) con apoyo economico durante la pandemia. Hasta la fecha, se han distribuido alrededor de $45,000 a cerca de 100 familias y continua ayudando a estudiantes a buscar becas escolares a traves de su nueva plataforma virtual.

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  • This Philly charter school is trying to grow the ranks of Black male teachers

    Data shows that nationally only 2% of public-school teachers are Black men. To fill that gap, Boys’ Latin, a charter school in Philadelphia, launched a program that creates teaching positions for Black men who want to teach. Research shows that having Black teachers in the classroom decreases the likelihood that Black boys will drop out of high school. “With students at Boys’ Latin, “there’s still work to be done” to forge a connection, said Fletcher, who is teaching Latin to ninth and 10th graders. “But one of those walls is down, because he sees me like I see him.”

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