Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Rise of Dual Credit

    Dual credit classes were a response to the increasing costs of attending college and university and to make postsecondary education more accessible to low-income students. Although low-income and minority students are still having trouble accessing dual credit courses, research shows they have some level of success. “Research shows that students who take dual credit courses are more likely to enroll in and complete college than students who don’t—and to finish faster, too.”

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  • How teachers are bringing lessons from the racial justice uprisings into the classroom

    Teachers across Massachusetts are finding ways to incorporate antiracist practices into their curriculum. An English teacher at Newton High School is replacing required reading materials produced by white male authors with texts from authors like Sandra Cisneros, Langston Hughes and other authors of color. A physics teacher at Brookline High School is sharing more stories about scientists of color and teaching students about "naming conventions in scientific laws and theorems rooted in European colonization."

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  • Teen-run project provides virtual activities, tutoring for kids during the pandemic

    Two teens from Los Angeles created a tutoring program to help supplement education during the pandemic, called the “Covid NineTeen Project.” The project is entirely teen run, from the creators to the mentors. More than 250 tutors provide service to more than 800 elementary schools across 11 countries. “If we were able to achieve this as teenagers in our community, this is something that you can set up on the local level in your community, as well."

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  • No WiFi at home? One Virginia school district has a creative solution for students

    A school district in Virginia has implemented a two-prong solution to provide internet access to rural students during the pandemic. The indoor solution allows students to make appointments to be inside the school to access the internet. The outside solution, equipping three schools in the district with equipment to boost their Wi-Fi signals, allowing students who can’t make indoor appointments a way to access the Wi-Fi. “We just took advantage of something that was already happening in the district."

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  • Students lost in the virtual learning shuffle? This school district comes to find them

    In order to reach students who aren’t attending virtual classes during the pandemic, a school district in Sacramento created a program called “Student Find.” If teachers and school administrators can’t reach students who’ve been absent, then school counselors hit the pavement. They go door-knocking in an attempt to make contact with families. “That’s the thing I would encourage other districts to consider,” Reyes says. “If we could all take part responsibility and make it something that’s manageable and doable in other places.”

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  • Learning pods can make educational inequities worse. Here's a better way to create one

    As a result of the pandemic, some families find themselves turning to learning pods, a sort of alternative school where students can be looked over and mentored while they attend remote classes. Working parents find themselves turning to pods as a solution. At their worse, they can exacerbate social inequities. Affluent families can pay for expensive pods with private tutors. In Austin, one pod is trying to be more accessible. “Some of them pay me, and some of them we’re more on a work-trade,” Perkins said. “We all help each other.”

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  • Rural school district creates free internet service to keep students connected

    At least 40 percent, or 2,000, students from Lockhart ISD didn’t have access to reliable internet. To address the issue, the school district built seven towers. They also installed antennas on individual homes so they can receive the signals from the towers. As a result, 1,300 students got connected. “This is about equity,” Estrada said. “Every one of our Lockhart Lions needs to have access to the opportunities they deserve to grow and truly thrive.”

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  • How schools are finding thousands of students they couldn't reach when the pandemic began

    For one school district in Texas, using personal relationships established before the pandemic, proved the best way to reach bilingual students in rural parts of the district who weren't showing up to remote classes. One librarian and a parent “went door-to-door there to track down students and find out how they could help families transition to virtual learning. They also had parents fill out note cards showing how many children lived in the home to make sure no child was left behind.” Other Texas districts are similarly relying on home visits to check on students. Data shows those methods work.

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  • An Oregon school district's unique approaches to keeping students fed

    A school district in Oregon took a multi-pronged approach to serving students their school lunches during the pandemic. Some of those things include curbside pickup, using buses to deliver food, and packing more than one meal per pickup. “We definitely saw a decline in the number of people we were able to serve, or who were coming out for meals, so we’re really trying to reach everyone to come get a meal.”

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  • La Fundación Sunnyside ayuda a familias de sus estudiantes a pagar la renta y cubrir gastos en la pandemia

    La Fundacion Sunnyside, una organizacion sin fines de lucro, ha logrado recaudar recursos para ayudar a las familias de estudiantes del distrito escolar con necesidad economica durante la pandemia. Los servicios incluyen asistencia monetaria para pagar recibos de luz, agua, gas, necesidades basicas y pagos de vivienda. La fundacion ha logrado distribuir casi $22,000 entre 27 familias.

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