Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Flint Community Schools is Going Door to Door to Find Hard-to-Reach Students

    Staff from Flint Community Schools are taking a more door-to-door approach to find the close to 1,500 students who have not yet started attending virtual school when the fall semester started. FCS assembled "wellness teams" made up "social workers, behavioral specialists, nurses, and paraprofessionals" and sent them to neighborhoods with mapped routes to walk around neighborhoods and find students and their families, as well as help identify needs to assist with including food assistance, wi-fi hotspots, and other individual needs.

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  • Can Military Academies Serve As A Road Map For Reopening Colleges?

    As colleges and universities around the U.S. figure out the best course of action to start a new semester amid an ongoing pandemic, military academies around the country may have some invaluable lessons to offer. The Army's West Point campus in New York state, the Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs, and U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland used methods like pool testing, where individual swabs are grouped and tested instead of taking a one-by-one approach. The schools also staggered and quarantined waves of students returning to campus, and assigned different spaces to specific groups of people.

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  • Remote Learning Progress Report: Technology another barrier for English-language learners

    School districts across New Hampshire had to find new ways of teaching English as a Second Language students during the pandemic when classes switched to virtual learning. Some districts used volunteers and community liaisons to relay information, while others established informal monitoring programs to keep track of ESL students. Teachers used technology like Google translate and WhatsApp to help them translate. Throughout the state teachers shared resources with each other.

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  • Filling the lockdown learning gaps with pub quizzes

    Five recently-graduated doctors put together a virtual bar-trivia-style program called SOLViT to supplement med students' curriculum during their final year, when they should be receiving in-hospital training, but can't because of the pandemic. The 90-minute sessions cover 29 topics in the students' syllabus like maternal infections and bladder cancer, is formatted to quiz the students in a true/false format, and draws from pop culture references to reinforce learning.

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  • The simple intervention that could lift kids out of ‘Covid slide'

    Tutoring has a longstanding reputation of being an effective measure in helping students stay on-track with their school subjects, but it also costs money. Schools around the U.S. are considering ways to stretch their budgets to extend tutoring to as many students as possible. Increasing group numbers per tutor, using stipend-funded volunteers, and non-certified teachers rather than certified tutors, and making tutoring a class-time activity are some of the ways schools could help support students and avoid learning losses, while taking limited budgets into account.

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  • When Covid Subsided, Israel Reopened Its Schools. It Didn't Go Well.

    When schools in Israel reopened in May—believing its coronavirus cases were under control—infections quickly rose, and the country experienced an immediate second outbreak. The country has now become an example for others of lessons to learn like: placing emphasis on contact tracing, maintaining students in small groups if in-person instruction is happening, staggering schedules, and maintaining a safe social distance.

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  • What Other Countries Can Teach The U.S. About Safely Reopening Schools

    As schools across the United States weigh the pros and cons of sticking to remote learning, welcoming students back into the classroom, or a hybrid, there are lessons to learn from schools around the world. In China and France, teachers have gotten creative by having students wear wings that help them remember proper social distance, and other teachers have decorated the playground with smiley faces to indicate where students should stand. Other schools in Denmark and Finland reintroduced students to class by age, since data has supported that children under 10 are less likely to transmit the virus.

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  • During the pandemic, students do field and lab work without leaving home

    Due to the pandemic, university professors teaching field and lab work courses are rethinking ways to provide what was formerly a strictly in-person, hands-on experience. In New Hampshire staff at a marine laboratory are streaming virtual dissections and field trips to students, and geology instructors across the U.S. have developed online courses like “Orienteering in Minecraft” and “Geology of Yosemite Valley,” and virtual land surveying.

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  • The coronavirus effect on Pakistan's digital divide

    The Pakistani government uses technology, like a state-owned TV channel that broadcasts content for grades 1-12 and apps sourced for free by ed-tech companies, to help the over 50 million school children without broadband internet or digital device access. The TV channel has over 54 million subscribers and there is a text-messaging service that allows its 250,000 subscribers to talk to professional teachers. Despite the digital divide, the use of educational apps has also skyrocketed since the Covid-19 pandemic. However, technology is not a silver bullet to solve the country’s deep education inequalities.

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  • In Migrant Worker Camps, Wifi Is a Basic Utility

    To expand wifi access during the coronavirus pandemic for those who work in the agricultural community and in migrant farmworker camps, the City of The Dalles partnered and collaborated with Google and other community businesses to purchase hot spots and Chromebooks for farmworkers to use. The hot spots don't work in all areas of the county, but in the orchards with cell service where they have been installed, they have been helping to provide access to telemedicine and educational services.

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