Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Home visits from education experts are improving outcomes for Philly kids in poverty

    Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) works with Philadelphia families to improve outcomes for low-income children. By bringing educational materials and lessons into the home, the service providers, who are all from the communities in which they work, offer parents structure and tips to prepare their children to begin formal schooling.

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  • A Public School That Not Only Keeps Children Safe, But Heals

    Cherokee Point Elementary School in San Diego became a trauma-informed school in 2015, and since then suspensions have fallen to zero (and remained that way since) and they no longer need a campus police officer. The school's approach includes revised disciplinary practices, social-emotional instruction, free breakfast, school-wide training about trauma, strong parental engagement, and intensive individual support. They even partner with community organizations that all them to create and offer a wider variety of services than the school could on its own.

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  • From Homeless to Employment in Silicon Valley

    When tech giants began opening offices in one San Francisco neighborhood without finding local talent, a formerly homeless community leader stepped in. He created Code Tenderloin, a six week coding bootcamp that provides free technical training to locals with the goal of teaching job skills and finding them local employment. So far, the program has been a great asset to the neighborhood.

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  • Indiana's free pre-K: Adored by parents, beset with growing pains

    Since 2014, low-income parents who enroll their children in Indiana's state grant program, On My Way Pre-K, have watched their students gain important literacy skills and self-confidence. However, only four percent of the state's qualifying four year olds currently participate in the initiative. Teachers are now brainstorming strategies to eliminate barriers to parents applying for the funding.

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  • In a state troubled by suicide, teens learn mental health skills

    Making space for mental health awareness in school curricula aids in suicide prevention among teens. Schools in rural Montana have begun to adopt the Youth Aware of Mental Health program (YAM), which originated in Sweden. An initiative at the Center for Mental Health Research and Recovery at Montana State University succeeding in developing the pilot program, launched in 2018. The ongoing classes serve as a safe space for discussion and student-driven activities, using role-play scenarios and teaching students how to look out for signs of mental illness and reach out for help.

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  • A summer school program uses the arts to combat the achievement gap

    A Baltimore nonprofit uses arts programming to engage students in educational activities over the summer to combat learning loss. The director of differentiated learning for the district explains, "They don't even realize we're doing math and literacy instruction because we're having so much fun." Program administrators believe models like this are important in decreasing the persistent achievement gap.

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  • Getting low-income kids into jobs by getting them into career-themed high schools

    In San Antonio, career-themed schools are at the center “of a growing push to more closely match the skills students gather in high school with workforce needs.” The Center for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), described as akin to “an outpost of Google,” works with industry partners to connect students with local jobs and ensure lessons are up to date, all while emphasizing socioeconomic integration through an approach called “diversity by design.”

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  • For these Philly black and Latino teens, the future lies in squash

    The nonprofit organization, SquashSmarts, works with Black and Latino youth on Philadelphia’s north and west sides to mentor them from middle school through the end of high school. The organization offers academic services like help with homework and college applications, and rounds out its services with athletic instruction in squash – all at no cost to kids and families. The program has helped students raise their GPAs, get into charter schools, and be accepted into high-standing universities like Morehouse College and Temple University.

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  • How to help struggling young readers

    Researchers have pointed to third grade as a make it or break it point for young students learning to read so several nonprofits are now focusing their energy on improving student literacy rates in the grades prior. To help students learn better, nonprofits send reading coaches to sit in on classrooms and advise teachers on how to teach reading most effectively. The nonprofit Early Reading Matters reported an 11 percent increase in the number of students reading at grade level over the course of the 2016-2017 academic year.

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  • Want to Reduce Bullying in Schools? Bring in Babies

    Since 1996, Roots of Empathy, a Toronto-based non-profit, has designed and administered empathy-based curriculum for elementary school students. What makes this program unique? Roots of Empathy brings newborn babies into the classroom to teach young students to identify their own and others' feelings with the hopes that the emotional development curricula will curb bullying.

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