Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • STEM: Teaching critical thinking for the new age

    Flagstaff STEM City partners schools with professionals and creates kits that teachers can use to bring science into the classroom, teaching students and parents how to think critically and search out information through the application of real world skills like the culinary arts, mechanics, and childcare.

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  • How Wildwood schools provide a crucial safety net for struggling families

    The Wildwood School District has implemented programs during and after school hours to help provide nutritious meals to students living with hunger and poverty, while also teaching the children invaluable skills such as sewing and gardening to help create better future opportunities.

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  • School nurse's supplies include food, toothbrushes and coats

    In low-income districts, the school nurse is often a family’s first health care provider, and the role at places like Wildwood High School and Glenwood Avenue School has expanded to provide everything from warm coats and food donations for children and their families living in hunger.

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  • A mathematician has created a teaching method that's proving there's no such thing as a bad math student

    In schools around the world, students are troubled by math problems, often due to existing gender and race gaps. Canadian John Mighton is working to overcome this obstacle in education through JUMP Math, or Junior Undiscovered Math Prodegies. The program is now being used by more than 150,000 in Canada and is now make math more accessible to students at all learning levels through "inquiry" and "discovery" based means.

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  • She Outsmarted Jamie Oliver — And Figured Out The Future Of School Lunch

    Conflicts of interest have made school lunch meals the dumping ground for the cheap calories our modern agricultural system was designed to overproduce. Many programs are trying to improve school lunches, such as the Community Eligibility Provision which allows schools in high poverty areas to provide free meals to all students, allowing more money to be spent on cooks and food instead of who qualifies.

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  • Closing the Preschool Gap at Home

    Mounting evidence points to an increasing disparity in the educational achievements of those children who attend and complete pre-school, and those who do not. The Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program is a national home visiting initiative for low-income families that is working to bridge the gap. They provide learning curriculum, guidance, and parenting support for disadvantaged families in their homes, so that their children can be equally prepared to succeed in school.

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  • One town's quest to join tech revolution – and what it says about digital inequality

    Many rural towns with limited resources are struggling to provide their students with the devices necessary to stay ahead in the digital age. In Greeley, CO, a town with significant minority and refugee populations that have little or no internet access at home, the digital divide and the wealth disparity between school districts is particularly stark. But the schools in Greeley remain determined, cobbling together old donated computers, salvaged devices, grants and fundraisers, to try and help provide better opportunities and more efficient education for all their students.

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  • Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse but the rest of the world isn't listening

    In Iceland,the relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national programme to reduce teen consumption of alcohol and drugs. The program identifies youth that are likely to abuse drugs and offers them physically challenging after-school activities that can reduce anxiety or provide a rush, such as dance classes and martial arts, along with curfews and parent education.

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  • Teaching parents how to teach their toddlers: Seattle-area program yields lasting benefits

    The Parent-Child Home Program in the Seattle area is helping close the achievement gap in poor and at-risk families by giving 2 and 3 year-olds a jump start in early education. By pairing parents with a trained educator, the program is helping children in low-income and immigrant families perform on par with their white and wealthier peers years later, improving graduation rates and potentially even salary and healthy lifestyles in the long term.

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  • The Lone Peak story: What you didn't know about affluence and teen suicide

    Young adult suicide rates are at record highs, and where issues such as trauma and poverty were once believed to be the primary causes, more and more affluent communities like Alpine, Utah are facing another factor: the high pressure on students to conform to a narrow and rigorous definition of success. By teaching parents and students to recognize early warning signs, establishing peer "Hope Groups," providing comprehensive counseling and treatment plans, and eliminating cultural taboos that prevent dialogue, communities like Lone Peak are starting to curb teen depression and suicide.

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