Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These Schools Are Refusing to Throw Out Arts Education in Favor of Test Prep

    With arts funding on the cutting board across the country, students can lack motivation to go to school and the creative resources for critical thinking skills. In Brooklyn, Ascend Learning is an inner-city network of public charter schools that offer a rich arts environment to teach Common Core and the student academic performance has surpassed other schools in the neighborhood.

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  • Overcoming Poverty's Damage to Learning

    Turnaround for Children, an organization founded to address mental health issues and their repercussions in the classroom, focuses on preparing teachers and schools to structure classroom environments in a constructive way. They create opportunities for learning in rigorous ways with high expectations so that children thrive and are well cared for, helping them to thrive both academically and emotionally.

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  • In Classroom Discipline, a Soft Approach Is Harder Than It Looks

    When students misbehave in school, teachers struggle to decide the right kind of intervention, with school suspension a common outcome. However, research has shown that school suspensions can increase the likelihood of dropouts and incarcerations so that there is pressure to decrease the rate of suspensions. Restorative justice has become a favorable alternative because misbehaving students can participate in a number of supportive activities such as peer meditation or collaborative negotiation to build community, trust, and confidence.

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  • The Future Project How Two Young Social Entrepreneurs Are Trying To Close The Inspiration Gap In Schools

    The Future Project aims to give students the resources needed to define and fulfill their dreams and re-engage students in school. Dream Directors get teens motivated to act on their ideas and expand their abilities.

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  • One city's answer to the high two-year college dropout rate

    Yonkers Partners in Education offers free SAT test prep and college guidance counselors in Yonker's high schools. The program aims to increase college enrollment rates for low-income students who lack the same access to expensive tutors and courses as their afluent peers.

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  • Stunning surge in graduation rate as Rainier Beach gamble pays off

    After implementing the International Baccalaureate curriculum, graduation rates at Seattle's historically underperforming Rainier Beach High School increased 25 percentage points from 2011 to 2015. In a city whose public schools are known for racial tracking in advanced classes, Rainier's programs are uniquely focused on serving its predominantly minority student body. With funding in jeopardy, in the coming years, Rainer will have to prove the worth of the programming.

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  • Fresno's Tiniest Citizens: An Elementary School Of and For the Urban Community

    Located in downtown Fresno, Kepler Neighborhood School is raising the city's next generation of informed citizens. Through a service learning model, students regularly engage with local businesses and leaders and complete projects related to the history and revitalization of their city.

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  • Changing the world with new teaching?

    The idea of changing the world by teaching children how to get along in a classroom might sound broad, overly ambitious and even a little “touchy-feely” to skeptics or traditionalists who question whether schools are straying too far from their mission of education. Teachers who have used it in their classrooms, however, say the program is successful, and researchers who developed the curriculum at National University’s Sanford Education Center say results include improved grades and more time for teaching.

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  • Classroom observers using new tools to make teachers better

    Throughout Washington, administrators have rolled out new preschool teacher evaluation methodology. Called "CLASS", instructors are observed at length and judged on their interactions in categories including emotional, social, and intellectual growth. The model, which moves away from principal evaluation, has been shown to improve both teaching and student performance. Now the state is piloting similar programs in K-12 classes. One researcher writes of the importance of the right assessment tool, “People say that teaching isn’t rocket science and I would argue that it's actually more complicated..."

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  • Only 1 in 5 NYC students graduates from college. This nonprofit is going to change that

    Educational nonprofit OneGoal has proven that its model of education helps provide low-income students in Chicago and Houston with the tools needed to pursue a college degree. Now, the nonprofit hopes to improve the college graduation rate in New York City by assisting high school students in understanding the basic techniques to achieve success.

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