Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How College Campuses Are Trying to Tap Students' Voting Power

    Universities are using competitions, music, and prizes to encourage civic engagement among students. Efforts are aided by a national study that allows schools to see how many of their students voted either locally or absentee.

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  • Champions of the Vote

    In Fairhill, a neighborhood in North Philadelphia, voter turnout was a mere 12% in one recent election. Fairhill Neighbors, a coalition of neighborhood groups, is seeking to combat lower turnout rates with a personal engagement program. “Voting Champions” are community members who will work to register voters, drive them to polls, and generate excitement about voting, with the hopes of transforming civic participation in their area.

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  • Süddeutsche Zeitung is improving the way media reports on political polls

    In 2017, German newsroom Suddeutsche Zeitung began reporting election polling numbers in such a way that the uncertainty of the poll—caused by a limited sample size or respondents lying to pollsters—was visualized in the reporting. Through this method, information is conveyed to readers but in such a way that doesn’t erase uncertainty and doubt about the results.

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  • In push to 'fast track' women into office, gender quotas gain traction

    Starting in the mid 1980s and 1990s, African and Latin American countries began to implement “gender quotas” to integrate more women in politics. Now, “12 of the top 20 countries in the world for women’s legislative representation are in Africa and Latin America.”

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  • Black Alabamians discuss their decisive role in Doug Jones' victory

    In Alabama, grassroots organizing targeting black voters resulted in a huge voter turnout. “98 percent of black women voted for Jones (Tyson’s initial estimate was conservative) along with 93 percent of black men.” “Just calling, knocking on doors, talking to people face-to-face, letting them know why this campaign matters, I think that’s the reason we won.”

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  • Denmark's new feminist party declares, 'Out with the racists! In with the feminists!'

    “Out with the racists, in with the feminists!” is the slogan of a new political party in Denmark. The Feministik Initiativ is “a new intersectional feminist party in Denmark.” It won 3,258 votes in the regional election. The party hopes to counter anti-immigrant sentiment, as well as fight for issues like equal pay and zero employment discrimination.

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  • In a City Where 15 Percent of Voters Elected the Mayor, Downtown Is Claiming Power

    POWER Northeast is trying to fight against voter disenchantment and reach the parts of the community that usually feel excluded and disillusioned by politics. This organization goes all over Allentown, Pennsylvania speaking to the formally incarcerated and minorities, advocating to political leaders on behalf of the public, and helping make voter registration easier.

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  • Meet the Male Champions Supporting Kenya's New Women Politicians

    In Kenya, men have been overrepresented in government positions, sparking new legislation that women should occupy at least one-third of the public elected body. Men have become increasingly involved in helping women get elected by helping them campaign, protecting their safety, overseeing election procedures etc.

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  • Increasing Voter Turnout for 2018 and Beyond

    Voter turnout in the United States is far below that in most democracies. States and cities are trying a variety of ways to increase turnout, with mixed success. Eight states and Washington, D.C., are moving to automatic voter registration, for example, which is commonplace in nearly every other advanced democracy, and 32 states are debating instituting or expanding it. But not all registered voters are actually casting ballots.

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  • Can this group of former offenders swing the Philly DA race?

    How does an organization go about reducing incarceration rates, and eliminate racial bias? Hiring the people affected by the prison system: former inmates. That’s the strategy that ACLU is taking in Philadelphia.

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