Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Building From Within: KCPS Parents Score Unique Victory In Reopening Hale Cook Elementary

    In 2013, a group of Kansas City parents successfully reopened a formerly shuttered elementary school, sparking new optimism following the mass closing of schools from 2009 to 2010. However, the project has garnered significant criticism for catering largely to a white and wealthy population. One longtime local education advocate remarked, “I support parents wanting the best education for their kid,” she said. “But I don’t support creating little enclaves that function as well-vested private schools and calling them public.”

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  • Where the Teacher's Pet Sleeps in a Dog Bed

    A handful of schools in New York City are piloting a comfort dog program with the goal of offering emotional support and teaching students about empathy. Recruiting animals from a rescue and adoption agency, teachers and counselors use a curriculum, called Mutt-i-grees, which was written by a Yale researcher for this precise purpose. The pets have become fixtures in the elementary school classrooms, helping to diffuse temper tantrums and instill in kids the importance of responsibility.

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  • When Schools Meet Trauma With Understanding, Not Discipline

    Primary and secondary school students in New Orleans are disproportionately affected by trauma compared to their peers in the rest of the country - 40% live below the poverty line and 20% have witnessed homicide firsthand. In recent years, a group of charter schools in the city has shifted from a "no excuses" discipline model to a "trauma-informed" approach to dealing with students' behavioral problems. Administrators reason that incorporating social-emotional learning, meditation, and counseling into the daily curriculum will do more to address children's underlying stress than any detention or suspension.

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  • Takto učí dobrý učiteľ. Novinár odišiel z Bratislavy na východ a odpísané deti vyťahuje do normálneho života

    Učiteľ, produkt programu Teach for Slovakia, robí pozitívne zmeny v triedach, v ktorých žiaci zaostávajú v čítaní, matematike a prírodných vedách.

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  • Girls Knit Their Way to a Math Career

    A growing body of research suggests knitting and crocheting can be used to teach math. It could also be a way to bridge the gap between men and women in the STEM fields, and make the subject more approachable to young girls, who have higher levels of math anxiety. KnitLab project does that, and teaches middle school students, particularly girls, to knit and crochet in order to understand complicated math subjects. Already, more than 50 students have been taught.

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  • A mathematician has created a teaching method that's proving there's no such thing as a bad math student

    In schools around the world, students are troubled by math problems, often due to existing gender and race gaps. Canadian John Mighton is working to overcome this obstacle in education through JUMP Math, or Junior Undiscovered Math Prodegies. The program is now being used by more than 150,000 in Canada and is now make math more accessible to students at all learning levels through "inquiry" and "discovery" based means.

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  • As Its Neediest Schools Struggle, What Can PA Learn From Ontario's Success?

    Part 5 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system, thanks to more rigorous teacher preparation, universal pre-K, and a deeply rooted commitment to prioritizing the neediest students. Meanwhile, districts like that of Kenderton, Pennsylvania are floundering in a broken system that leaves many kids - especially minorities - behind. What can they learn from Ontario's model?

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  • Colorful maps and wooden blocks have lured some skeptical parents — but can free public Montessori survive in Detroit?

    Detroit implemented the Montessori Method at several public schools, despite funding constraints. The program has attracted families that might otherwise look to the suburbs and private schools for education. It has resulted in more diverse classrooms and more opportunities for students.

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  • Why are 63 million girls missing out on education?

    In Zimbabwe, a diverse group of leaders are tackling the persistent barriers to quality education for girls. By providing menstrual products, distributing bikes for transportation, and changing the perception of female education in the community, a combination of grassroots and big-picture efforts are gradually bringing some of the 63 million girls out of school into the classroom.

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  • Kindergarten in the Great Outdoors

    Some European schools have long championed free play in the woods as a way to combat the increasingly mainstream idea of "nature-deficit disorder." In Finland, enthusiastic teachers dedicate all of Friday to outdoor "secret" education - students don't even realize they are learning academic lessons. Inspired by these models, scattered American schools are experimenting with the idea, with some finding reductions in bullying and improvements in test scores and focus issues.

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