Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Canadian Cops Ended a Decade-Long Fight Over How to Manage the World's Polar Bears

    Differing laws, policing, and management across borders has made it difficult to combat the huge industry that is Wildlife Crime, but a new approach in Canada is showing the way for some common ground. By collaborating with local sellers, a micro-chip can be attached to pelts to track their movement and discern whether the pelt is being sold illegally or not -- even across borders.

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  • Could California Become a Zero-Extinction State?

    Presumed extinct, some plants may just be very rare. With careful handling and habitat restoration, once lost species may be able to bounce back. In California, a biodiversity hotspot hit with heavy development, volunteers are searching the state for missing plants and rolling back extinction numbers.

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  • How chopping off their horns helps save rhinos from poachers

    As rhino populations continue to decrease at an alarming rate due to poaching, wildlife managers in South African reserves have begun to take matters into their own hands with emergency solutions such as dehorning. Although not financially sustainable for all reserves, the practice of dehorning aims to make rhinos a less attractive commodity to poachers by eliminating what they're after most.

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  • Saving Africa's wildlife

    Africa's wildlife have made headlines time and time again, as species find their way closer to extinction. There are some pockets of the continent, however that have provide refuge for species and allowed them to not just populate, but thrive. Recognizing this, a group known as African Parks found a way to use these growing populations to repopulate other areas of the continent by transporting animals to newly protected areas.

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  • An Unusual Way to Rescue a City From Blight—Bees

    Detroit Hives has a twofold mission of reducing urban blight and protecting bees. The nonprofit organization purchases low-cost vacant lots and transforms them into farms for bee hives. Its creative partnerships with local businesses have provided honey for restaurants and flowerbeds to the farm, all while making Detroit more beautiful.

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  • Poachers vs. Poop

    After 15 years of collecting dung and DNA from elephants, conservation biologist Samuel Wasser and his team were able to create a map documenting nearly all of the African elephant populations. With this in place, the information can be used to help law enforcement identify poaching hotspots and arrest ivory traffickers. Now this same process is being applied to other endangered species.

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  • One hive at a time, backyard beekeepers try saving Detroit, the world

    With the bee population decreasing from 6 million hives to about 2.5 million hives since the 1940s, there has been an increase in discussion around the necessity of bees to the ecosystem. To help play their part in sustaining this vulnerable population, community members in Detroit formed a non-profit that cultivates urban beehives while partnering with small businesses to promote the use of the bees' honey.

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  • A Grand Experiment on the Grasslands

    Sometimes there's an equal amount to learn about failed solutions as there is about solutions that are working. In an attempt to save the lesser prairie-chickens that live in the American Great Plains from extinction, the Fish and Wildlife Service is faced with a decision to weigh the potential of altering the way the Endangered Species Act works. Trying to appease both businesses and conservationists, however, has its drawbacks which has lead to a series of workarounds implemented that have worked on various levels.

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  • In India, Agroforestry Is a Win for Both Tigers and Villagers

    Agroforestry, is the practice of planting trees around crops, which can yield many benefits to farmers and the environment. In India, agroforestry is helping tigers stay alive.

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  • Tech Support for an Ailing Planet

    The advancement of technology has created the capability to consider solutions never before possible. Conservation X Labs, a startup based in Washington, D.C., has committed their focused on marrying the worlds of conservation and technology, to combat mounting concerns of international poaching and deforestation. While the scaling of the technology is stagnated largely due to the expense of technology, progress has been made and devices are actively being piloted.

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