Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • RGGI, behind the rhetoric: What we know about the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

    A regional cap-and-trade program in the northeast United States has reduced carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and led to overall job gains in the economy. Up to 50 percent of the region’s CO2 reductions are attributable to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program and nine of the states participating report training more than 8,000 workers.

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  • Virginia project helps low-income homeowners ditch fossil fuels

    Two organizations partnered to help eight low-income households convert their homes to become all-electric in Virginia. It entailed replacing fossil-fuel based heating and cooling systems like stoves and water coolers with electric ones. Some of the households saw a reduction in their utility bills. Organizers estimate that over the course of 20 years the changes will result in the households avoiding the emission of over 2 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

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  • How Indigenous Communities are Building Energy Sovereignty

    Indigenous groups are working toward energy sovereignty through cooperatives that make energy costs more affordable - especially in rural areas. That process involves an emphasis on solar power, decentralizing resources, and a respect for mother nature.

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  • How Ex-Miners Turn Toxic Land into Lavender Farms

    Appalachian Botanical Company, or ABCo, owns a lavender farm that rests on a retired coal mine. The farm aims to restore the land and soil by growing lavender. Coal companies are legally obliged to restore the land they have mined, known as reclamation. ABCo is part of the reclamation. However, they also want to restore the community, it employs former coal miners and recovering addicts to harvest, pick, distill, and package the flowers. The farm grew two-fold since its inception.

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  • Building a Just Energy Future in Michigan

    After the 2008 economic recession hit, Carla Walker-Miller shifted her energy services business model to not only supply electrical equipment but also implement energy efficiency programs for communities of color in Detroit. She has been able to service 75 households, which has resulted in energy bill savings up to $600 a year for families. The company also has a robust recruitment and training program for young people and those experiencing economic hardship.

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  • Temperature check: On the frontlines of the fight to save affordable housing from climate change

    Home by Hand is a nonprofit that’s working to mitigate the effects of climate change on home ownership. Storm damage, high utility bills due to extreme weather, and the loss of housing stock due to Hurricane Katrina have all added to climate-change related “cost burdens” that keep economically disadvantaged people from purchasing homes. The nonprofit is building homes that are environmentally friendly to push down utility costs as well as the costs of potential repairs in the event of inevitable storms and hurricanes.

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  • Can we keep lumber out of the landfill?

    Pollution caused by demolition is expected to be 2.2 billion tons by 2021. However, up to 75 percent of materials in a demolition can be recycled. An alternative method to demolition is deconstruction or unbuilding. The method always for lumber and other materials that are recyclable to be salvaged. Cities like Vancouver that have passed ordinances encouraging recycling saw results. One company, "Unbuilders," that specializes in deconstruction shows that using methods like tax receipts and appraisals can lead to both profit and better results for the environment.

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  • State employees work from home when threat of bad air quality looms

    Although work-from-home was mostly a reaction in response to the pandemic, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the strategy has developed the potential to improve air quality. Most state employees are now required to telework certain days in order to help curb bad air quality days, and are given at least a 48-hour notice. During the pandemic, having close to 9,000 state employees stay home reduced pollution by 40 tons over the course of April 2020 to May 2021.

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  • Cleaning up Cambodia's kitchens could curb deforestation, climate change

    In Cambodia 2.5 million people use stoves fueled by forest biomass; charcoal and wood. The emissions caused by using biomass are extremely harmful not only to people but also to the environment. The emissions caused by biomass globally are equal to those of the aviation industry. To counter the problem, several organizations and companies are providing alternatives for Cambodian families like electric stoves. One company, Khmer Green Charcoal, created stoves that run on “clean” charcoal made from coconut shells. More than 6,500 households across the country have made the transition.

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  • Boise Is Tapping Into Free, Sustainable Energy - and Other Cities Could Follow Suit

    In the late 1800s a local water company found hot springs in Boise. They decided to build pipes and transport the water to some nearby homes and towns to heat them, creating a geothermal heating system. In the 1980s, the city replicated this model at a larger scale. Water from a naturally hot aquifer flowed through pipes heating 100 large buildings Downtown, equivalent to more than 6 million square feet. Geothermal heating is completely clean, it requires no fossil fuels. Currently, there's only 23 geothermal districts in America. However, one study estimates that by 2050 there could be 17,500.

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