Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • World's first city to power its water needs with sewage energy

    With climate change an ever-increasing threat, one city in Denmark is helping to inspire hope through the successful implementation of a self-sustaining treatment plant that provides fresh water to the local community using only energy produced from the waste and sewage it filters. Other cities are now looking to replicate the model.

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  • Kenya embraces solar to meet energy needs

    In order to meet the needs of the country, Kenya is slowly moving away from costly and environmentally damaging energy sources to solar powered energy. Farmers and medical clinics alike are seeing the benefit both from a financial and practical standpoint, as they embrace solar installations that help them do business even better.

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  • Santa Fe couple helps Homewise create solar power loan fund

    For low- and moderate-income families in Santa Fe, home solar-voltaic systems can be an attractive but hard-to-finance idea. A local couple is partnering with Homewise to offer loans to homeowners interested in installing these systems. So far, Ann Alexander and Richard Khanlian’s $500,000 pledge has helped 19 homeowners get solar energy projects off the ground.

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  • Canada moves ahead on carbon taxes, leaving the U.S. behind

    The United States has refused to institute a carbon tax, but Canada has agreed to a carbon tax in all provinces by 2018. The carbon tax has received support across party lines, however, some elections remain to see if the carbon tax favoring candidates are elected.

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  • America's First All-Renewable-Energy City

    Burlington, Vermont counts itself as America's first all-renewable city, satisfying its energy needs through a combination of sustainably harvested pine and timber wood chips, hydroelectricity, four wind turbines, and a solar panel array near the local airport. Aside from the environmental benefit of renewable energy, the city has seen other benefits in the form of cheaper energy costs and healthy, locally-grown food.

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  • The fate of rural food and farms

    A number of problems continue to challenge rural agriculture in the western United States. These include connecting people who grow the food with the people that need to eat the food, food waste worsening greenhouse gas emissions, and decreasing numbers of new farmers that take up the practice of agriculture. Different initiatives, such as those presented by Reunity Resources and the National Young Farmers Coalition, encourage collaboration to make sustainable food sources for the poor and for the future of farming.

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  • For fossil fuel-reliant towns, a solar alternative grows

    A local energy cooperative in Colorado, Delta Montrose Electric Association, is spurring economic development through renewable energy. The program has allowed Delta County to diversify energy sources, and has become a tool for economic revitalization.

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  • In New Mexico, a way out of the boom-bust cycle?

    Lea County, New Mexico felt the downfall of the oil industry deeply; now, towns like Hobbs rebuild their economic infrastructure by investing in alternative energy plants as well as affordable housing for its residents. The comprehensive approach builds the economic foundation of the community while ensuring that the people working in the town have access to affordable places to live.

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  • A Renewable Energy Revolution in Small-Town America

    Small towns across America are leading the shift towards renewable energy. Part of a series called "American Futures", this video visits Kansas, Pennsylvania, and California to learn more about green initiatives in biofuel, wind, and solar power. Although each solution is different, each are a new way of generating income for the residents of the towns and often comes with societal acceptance as well.

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  • Entrepreneurs help rebuild Nepal amid quake recovery delays

    After an earthquake hit Nepal, the government and NGOs struggled to respond fast enough, so local entrepreneurs stepped up to respond in efficient, creative ways. A Nepalese architect designed homes that would withstand future earthquakes. An engineer made a solar light that could help year-round.

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