Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Coffee Shop Giving Homeless Youth a Chance at Success

    A coffee shop is employing young people experiencing homelessness. Employment at the coffee shop provides the stability and support they need to find and maintain housing. Income, structure, and skills gained from employment at the cafe are the springboard needed for the young adults to secure stability. 

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  • How a Young Activist Is Helping Pope Francis Battle Climate Change

    Molly Burhans, a young cartographer and environmentalist, is using GIS technology to map out the Catholic Church’s global property holdings to encourage them to improve the environmental impact on the lands they own. Burhans’ organization called GoodLands has been working with various parishes and dioceses to help Church leaders — including Pope Francis — understand their vast landholdings. While finances and COVID-19 have impacted her progress, Burhans’ maps have been used for other purposes like mapping Catholic radio stations in Africa and tracking the whereabouts of priests accused of sexual abuse.

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  • Meet the TikTok stars using viral videos to save the planet

    The growing account known as “EcoTok” on the social media app TikTok is working to expose more people to data about the climate crisis and tackle scientific misinformation. With more than 80,000 followers and 1.2 million likes, the account features short videos with scientists, students, and activists highlighting ways that young people can be more sustainable. Their ability to engage people in environmental and scientific issues has led to partnerships with TED Countdown and the UN Environment Programme.

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  • Can global innovation competitions help unearth the next sustainability solution?

    Initiatives set up by NGOs and private-public partnerships aim to make innovation possible around the world and support sustainability entrepreneurs in countries that often don’t have access to those opportunities. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology set up the ClimateLaunchpad competition to provide entrepreneurship coaching and training to clean-tech finalists and the Uplink global platform from the World Economic Forum brings innovators and investors together to support sustainability ideas.

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  • Worker-Owned Cooperatives are Building Their Own Investment Network

    Cooperatives are getting the funding they need through a “nationwide network of loans funds and incubators that specialize in supporting and investing in cooperative businesses.” Coops lack access to traditional funding and are typically member funded. The new source of funding has allowed historically marginalized Black and Hispanic communities the opportunity to create coops where workers share ownership equally.

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  • Baltimore is Democratizing the Economy, One Pint at a Time

    A worker-owned cooperative in Baltimore is giving employees an “alternative to exploitation in traditionally-structured enterprises.” Employees at ice cream maker Taharka Brothers can eventually qualify for ownership, which enables them to weigh in on big decisions and share in profits when the business does well.

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  • Inmates are learning to be their own bosses after they leave jail behind

    Inmates to Entrepreneurs has graduated 1 million people from its eight-week program that teaches incarcerated people how to start their own low-capital businesses. An extension of a free online entrepreneurship course, Starter U, the program offered in-person workshops until COVID forced it to go virtual. One study shows the unemployment rate in December 2020 for formerly incarcerated people was more than 27%, more than four times higher than the general public. Inmates to Entrepreneurs was started 28 years ago in North Carolina's prison system.

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  • Can a ‘Guaranteed Income' for Black Entrepreneurs Narrow the Wealth Gap?

    A program in Oakland, California, is helping Black women-owned companies survive the economic downturn since the onset of the pandemic. Known as Runway, the financial innovation firm provides $1,000 a month without any conditions. The monthly income allows historically-marginalized entrepreneurs to focus on how to pivot in order to survive the pandemic. The decision to provide cash payments to this particular demographic was based on research that highlights the lack of financial security nets in the Black community that prevent business owners from relying on their friends and family in times of need.

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  • Why some bike shares work and others don't

    A boom in Chinese bike-share companies sought a technology-driven transport solution for people traveling short distances. While investors were drawn to green transportation solutions, a lack of any regulatory framework to introduce the bikes and integrate them with existing public transportation led to millions of bikes inundating urban areas. The more than 40 dockless bike share companies operating around the country led to an oversupply, bikes were vandalized, and many were found in rivers and other natural settings. Massive bike graveyards popped up as the bike parts were not easily recycled.

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  • Is a pandemic a good time to start a business? For some, the answer's yes.

    A handful of entrepreneurial individuals in Kansas have found success in starting businesses during the pandemic by leveraging customer needs and pandemic relief funding. Although this business plan isn't "foolproof," in Kansas and nationwide, the number of entrepreneurs who filed applications increased significantly compared to previous periods.

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