Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Wasted Bread Is Being Brewed Into Craft Beer

    To the two social entrepreneurs who founded nonprofit Feedback, the massive amounts of food waste being tossed into landfills in the UK and USA each year was a mounting challenge that required a creative solution. So they founded Toast Ale, a craft brewing company that not only reduced food waste by using unwanted bread from bakeries to brew their ales, but helps bring awareness to the issue through the brand, which is growing in popularity.

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  • Virginia parents to receive free ‘baby boxes,' part of campaign to promote safe sleep

    The USA wants to reduce its infant mortality rate by educating parents about how to keep their child safe while they sleep. Baby Box Co has put together boxes for new parents with tutorials, baby supplies and a mattress, to help prevent infant death.

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  • ‘Upcycling' Ocean Plastic Trash Comes into Fashion

    When global oil prices drop, so do incentives to recycle plastic materials, and even more plastic debris and trash ends up collecting in our oceans and ecosystem. An alternative solution in the form of "up-cycling" is helping to combat plastic pollution, as nonprofits and do-gooders who gather beach and ocean trash partner up with companies and retailers to produce desirable products crafted from materials collected out of the oceans.

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  • How technology is helping cities cope with mass migration

    In an era of mass migration and vast displacement, communities and governments around the world are struggling to cope with the influx of millions of immigrants and refugees. But different innovations in technology are making integration easier and increasing access to resources for new arrivals - from mobile banking accounts to online housing databases. Part 3 of 3.

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  • What Montgomery can learn from Chattanooga's startup success

    Chattanooga's solution to revitalize the city through private-public collaborations could help Montgomery and similar cities do the same. Chattanooga is able to reinvent itself and attract startups and entrepreneurs willing to work together for a common goal, rather than competing.

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  • The Hang Out Cure: Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld Has An Idea Local Politicians Need To Hear

    Rare are the days of cordiality towards opposing party politicians within American government. Specifically, a shift has occurred in which politicians no longer know each other, which can have detrimental effects on governing and deal-making. To this end, former Massachusetts Governor William Weld has recently promoted the importance of spending time with fellow politicians, in order to increase bipartisanship and function better in government. This is exemplified by his proposal and seven year old practice of “hangout sessions,” weekly meetings in which politicians with opposing viewpoints come together.

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  • Keeping Technology Affordable - Kwasi Twum-Ampofo leads the way

    Frustrated with poor network service and high costs, many Ghanians have had to tote multiple cheap mobile phones around to conduct business and communications normally. One entrepreneur, Kwasi Twum-Ampofo, decided to develop his own improved brand of smartphone, which is usable both domestically and abroad. Not only does Twum-Ampofo’s smartphone boast superior network access, but also—according to most Ghanians— comes at an affordable price.

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  • Delivering Gourmet Pizza, and Jobs Training, in Cook County Jail

    Recipe for Change is a program that teaches incarcerated people Italian cuisine skills, which is meant to help them gain employment when they reenter society. An estimated 200 people have gone through the program. Similarly, other programs are focusing on helping formerly incarcerated people gain employment.

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  • This Woman Was a Pavement Dweller, Today She Runs a Sanitary Pad Manufacturing Unit

    In the slums of India, living on the street as a "pavement dweller" is a daily struggle for survival - and being a woman on the street is even more terrifying. Organizations like Mahila Milan and the Myna Mahila Foundation are working to help lift women up out of homelessness through the empowerment of employment and breaking crippling cultural taboos.

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  • How Artificial Intelligence Could Democratize Financial Services In Asia

    The rapid evolution of technology is continually opening new doors for how microfinance projects can be implemented, improved, and scaled. The team at ADDO A.I. sees artificial intelligence as the catalyst for both microfinance and microinsurance in the emerging markets of Asia. A.I. reduces the need for human assessments, facilitating faster pay-outs and reduced losses through predictive data, while combining information such as financial histories and social media activity with historic context data to create fair, realistic risk assessments that lead to improved credit products.

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