Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Grantmaking Pyramid Strategy Ensures That Nonprofits Won't Topple

    Traditional models of nonprofit funding, as well as pressure to limit overhead spending, have created an unsustainable system in which many organizations with otherwise great potential drown. Like private companies, nonprofits need to invest in their teams, offices, and research and development, "while putting aside some cash so they don’t live and die by the next grant cycle." The Ford Foundation is changing the ineffective result-driven method of funding nonprofits through its BUILD Program, which allows for better focus on organizational resilience and sustainability.

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  • When You're in a Carbon Hole, Stop Digging

    The burning of coal for fuel is one of the world's largest contributors to CO2 emissions, and continues to worsen the detrimental effects of planetary warming. But while many feel hopeless in light of an administration that denies climate change and the billion-dollar companies that continue full steam ahead with mining and burning coal, a few clever individuals present a simple and straightforward solution: buy up the coal while it's still in the ground, and pay the government to keep it there.

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  • This Online Lender Uses Data Analytics To Serve Borrowers Who Lack Credit Scores

    Historically, banks have been largely hesitant to give small loans to individuals, particularly those with little or no credit history, which includes many immigrants and minorities. But an institution called Oportun is willing to bet on the underserved while still staying profitable as a business - they provide increased access to loans by leveraging a solid screening process, online resources, and credit score support for their customers.

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  • How Vienna Conquered Its Own Filth

    With the staggering amounts of garbage produced by modern lifestyles, waste disposal is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge for communities around the world. Vienna has tackled the trouble of trash with an innovative system, channeling the heat from incineration to warm homes and provide hot water, recovering reusable items from the waste stream and selling them in a special shop, and proactively educating the populace about how to reduce waste.

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  • Start-Ups For the State

    As part of the massive effort to rebuild their country and encourage economic opportunity - particularly for youth - Rwanda has incorporated entrepreneurship into their culture, education, and economy at an unprecedented level, equating it with nationalism and patriotism. From required courses for students in secondary school to government supported training workshops, they are hoping to create new opportunities and become leaders in social enterprise. But does State-imposed entrepreneurship really inspire sustainable new ventures?

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  • A second life for waste

    Students are paving the path for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future in Azerbaijan. In a state that doesn't sort its garbage, this group of student-volunteers started "Papillon," a project aimed at up-cycling discarded waste into useful and aesthetic interior decorations and accessories.

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  • Job opportunities for the disadvantaged

    Rabota-i connects youth coming out of Russian orphanages, who are at high risk for unemployment, to jobs. The social enterprise also provides training and coaching to youth with disabilities. It places over 700 people in jobs each year, and it has inspired over 600 social workers to work in the field of connecting at-risk youth to employment opportunities.

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  • Empowering Women to Break the Jihadi Cycle

    In order to counter terrorism and reduce recidivism of incarcerated male jihadists', the Entrepreneurship and Proselytization Empowerment Program helps the wives of jailed extremists through counseling and lessons about entrepreneurship. The program can help these families stay afloat and decrease the appeal of extremism for their husbands upon release.

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  • Making Microcredit Charities Better

    Microfinance was widely lauded for decades as a surefire and promising way to break the cycle of poverty and uplift the economies of the developing world, especially when targeted for women. But hard data has shown that, on its own, micro-loans don't serve to create sustainable change without a comprehensive approach, and that there are many other factors - such as education and healthcare - to consider when leveraging these tools.

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  • Lettuce-Weeding Robots, Coming Soon to a Farm Near You

    Blue River Technology is getting ahead in the agtech industry by using “robots that help farmers manage their fields more efficiently.” They use data to selectively spray fields with pesticides, drastically saving farmers money and reducing the amount of chemicals that go into their farms. The company is convincing investors, farmers, and regulators that this is the future of farming.

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