Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can the Graduation Approach Help to End Extreme Poverty?

    BRAC, the largest NGO in the world and one of the leaders in microfinance as an approach to combating poverty, discovered that despite its successes, microcredit did not always reach what are called the Ultra-Poor in effective, sustainable ways. So they formed partnerships and launched a new, comprehensive initiative that involves consumption support, technical and financial literacy training, and asset management to create a pathway to prosperity called the "graduation approach."

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  • To create meaningful change, apparel brands need to pursue sustainability at the industry level

    In the past, apparel companies were not given financial rewards for acting sustainably, and therefore, on the whole, saw no reason to encourage customers to do so. But now, by investing in industry-level research and developments to clue consumers into their sustainable behaviors, the Sustainable Apparel Coalition is working to change this. The Coalition provides clothing store customers with the sustainability equivalent of a nutrition label, hoping to both encourage sustainable consumption from consumers, and incentivizing environmentally-friendly practices for producers.

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  • Lend Me Your Eyes

    New apps like Tap Tap See and Be My Eyes are helping blind people solve everyday problems by combining smartphone video technology with an army of volunteers. The app allows a blind individual to take a photo or video of an item that the person needs to "see"; it then either automatically interprets the photo and announces it aloud to the user, or, if the app itself cannot identify the object, sends it to a real person somewhere in the world who can.

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  • USPS Could Tackle Food Insecurity

    While the USPS has seen a drastic decline in revenues and capacity in recent years due to growing competition from the private sector and social changes, First Class Meal is reimagining the role that this institution has to play: improving national access to healthy food. Using the existing USPS app to connect organizations and food banks that struggle to distribute donations, postal drivers out on their normal routes would pick up donations, deliver to food banks or pantries, and store food in post offices with excess capacity.

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  • Entrepreneurship Provides New Hope for Former Prisoners

    People exiting incarceration often struggle to land jobs. But a growing number of organizations are promoting entrepreneurship as an alternative path to economic stability for former inmates and it's not a big stretch considering that many of these folks know how to hustle, think creatively and are resilient. Last year the U.S. Small Business Administration launched a pilot program with several funders to foster business ownership among former inmates but some programs have been around for years and have impressive track records.

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  • Harnessing art to spur entrepreneurship in Live6

    The Live6 area is home to a robust cultural and creative community. And with an increase in development, there's opportunity for artists and institutions to tap into that energy to spur growth.

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  • Kenya's booming digital sharing economy?

    Though the big players in the sharing economy like Uber and Airbnb are eyeing growing middle class markets like that of Kenya, the concept of shared access to goods and services is nothing new for Kenyan communities. Whereas in the West, the shared economy structure arose largely from a desire for flexibility, in Kenya, much of it arose from need. Now platforms like Lynk and Little Cabs are helping connect Kenyan customers to a broad range of service providers.

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  • Employment Remains Elusive for Resettled Refugees

    Refugees encounter multiple complex barriers when they try to find employment in a new country. At the Zataari Refugee Camp, refugees have built the Champs Elysees marketplace exhibiting entrepreneurship and resiliency to make the best out of their situation at the camp, even though they left home knowing it would be a struggle to find work.

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  • Cloud Catchers In Peru

    Abel Cruz "catches" clouds on his fog net farm to help provide free water for his community in a slum on the outskirts of Lima, where access to water is very limited and costly. While this solution may never compete with large scale and traditional technologies, many argue there is enormous potential for this simple concept in certain, rural areas of the world.

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  • Costa Rica modernized without wrecking the environment. Here's how.

    Unlike other countries suffering with an impoverished population, Costa Rica has not destroyed the environment while modernizing its economy. Costa Rica has created a coffee alliance, a collective effort between the government and local farmers to grow and cultivate sustainable coffee agriculture through public policy and land distribution. The coffee alliance has given economic empowerment to the people, while being environmentally green.

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