Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In the forests of New Zealand, indigenous Maori and Western scientists work through past injustices to save a threatened species together

    A native tree species known as the kauri is being threatened by a deadly pathogen in New Zealand, so Western scientists, the government, and the Māori people are working together to stop it. Early tests suggest that chemical signals from other plants might be able to distract the pathogen and slow down the spread of it. However, collaboration between scientists and indigenous people was not easy, but they were able to build trust between each other.

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  • Seed by seed, a women's collective helps reforest Brazil's Xingu River Basin

    A group of women, known as the Yarang Women’s Movement, from villages in Brazil collect and sell seeds to nurseries, landowners, and other organizations to replant degraded land by the Xingu River. While this effort has helped reforest the area, a significant amount of land is still degraded and climate change threatens the availability of seeds throughout the year. Yet, “they have found creative ways to survive and adapt to climate change. The Yarang Women’s Movement is an example of resilience,” said someone who has worked with the group.

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  • “Ladies First!”: Women fight against solid waste dumping in this Himachal Pradesh village

    A group of women volunteers, known as the Mahila Mandal, from Sudher in India are fighting against the dumping of garbage in their village and the pollution and potential negative health effects that come with it. Despite daily household and farm work, the group has been pressuring authorities through demonstrations and protests to clean up the solid waste dumping site.

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  • Overworked, underpaid and lonely: Conservationists find a new community online

    Lonely Conservationists, an online forum that unites conservationists from around the world, has more than 2,500 members and 55 posts by conservationists who share their experiences of being exhausted, undervalued, underpaid, and isolated. Many members struggle with their mental health and the online community has provided a venue where they can get support from other people who understand their experiences. The group cannot solve all of the problems faced by conservationists, but members report building trust and increasing confidence by speaking their truths, with many going on to find jobs.

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  • Here comes the sun canoe, as Amazonians take on Big Oil

    The Kara Solar Foundation is looking to connect indigenous communities in Achuar territory in Ecuador to learn about solar power as an alternative to oil. By building solar-powered canoes, they can replace vessels that burn fossil fuels into the atmosphere. While the two boats in operation have run into technical problems, the intercultural training programs are instructing Achuar people on how to fix the technology. “Sustained and truly intercultural collaborations can create technological solutions that serve indigenous communities, rather than destroying them,” says Oliver Utne, the foundation's founder.

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  • The Beautiful Place that Stopped Big Bottled Water

    Washington State could pass one of the toughest restrictions on water bottling operations in the United States, thanks to activists who raised environmental concerns over a bottling facility that wanted to open in a town. Their advocacy is modeled after a similar legal fight in Oregon, where environmentalists, Native American tribes, and labor unions came together behind the campaign. Their success could provide a plan for similar efforts in other communities.

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  • How The Carbon Disclosure Project Is Fostering Transparency For City-Level Environmental Policy Design

    Collecting data about environmental risks and resiliency projects facilitates investment and funding. The Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) Cities Program and Cities Vulnerability Assessment encourage participating cities to report actions they are taking to address climate risks. CDP then uses the data to help cities invest in socially equitable solutions, advising community level projects through its Matchmaker project. The project has led to results in cities such as Baltimore and Cleveland.

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  • A Battle to Protect Forests Unfolds in Central Africa

    In Central African Republic, the first community forest was created with the hope of reversing the area’s deforestation and empowering the Indigenous communities living in the forests. By placing the community forest inside a logging zone, local inhabitants can explore alternatives to timber production that are more eco-friendly. While the future of the country’s community forest depends on government negotiations, the model can provide a road map for other Indigenous communities throughout the region.

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  • The audacious effort to reforest the planet

    In an effort to get back to the roots of climate change, Plants for the Planet and other international initiatives plant millions of trees each year to help capture the massive amounts of carbon being released into the atmosphere. While tree-planting is only one piece in the larger fight to slow climate-change, it offers people around the world a low-cost and uncomplicated way to contribute.

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  • 5 billion people around the world lack basic access to justice. These organizations are out to change that.

    Microjustice4All, an international legal empowerment organization, provides people in vulnerable communities with legal aid, especially after environmental crises. Another global organization, Namati, trains local paralegals so that they may help their communities in legal issues. This sort of legal empowerment has taken hold on a global scale, with the overarching goal of building power through law and environmental justice – especially as climate change affects the most marginalized populations.

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