Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As oil trains roll into Portland, city residents keep watch

    In Portland, Oregon, a group of activists have come together to be the eyes for their community when it comes to oil train shipments. There is a surprising lack of transparency when it comes to moving crude oil by train, and the state has yet to implement monitoring standards. Because of this, activists work in shifts to be informal watchdogs for their city, making sure the public is as informed as possible even with the lack of official information.

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  • Adapting to the Anthropocene

    Around the world, communities are creating new technologies, processes, and relationships to the land in an effort to adapt to the changing climate. From the I-Kiribati using new hydroponic systems to grow food amidst rising sea levels, to farmers in Telangana using sustainable greenhouse technology, to the use of solar panels on Indigenous lands like Little Buffalo, those that depend on the land the most are having to adapt first. Underscoring each response is a collaborative, collective resilience.

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  • In the Solomon Islands, making amends in the name of conservation

    In the Solomon Islands, visiting scientists and researchers have made historical and symbolic amends with the Kwaio people. The tribe, once violently attacked by colonial settlers, have felt the need for reconciliation for decades and as the scientists continued to connect with them, decided that a formal ritual of reconciliation was needed. Together, the two groups participated in the ritual, allowing the Kraio people to move forward and the researchers to continue their work.

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  • Healing and hope: how Indigenous guardians are transforming conservation

    Enrolling indigenous knowledge in environmental conservation programs empowers communities and promotes responsible land management. Conservation programs in Australia and Canada rely on indigenous communities to monitor and maintain remote and protected areas. Investment in these programs not only furthers the goal of environmental conservation, but also pays dividends by bringing jobs to indigenous communities.

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  • A Huge Climate Change Movement Led By Teenage Girls Is Sweeping Europe. And It's Coming To The US Next.

    Youth climate strikes are gaining traction internationally, and the young leaders are finding inspiration in each other. The strikes have resulted in increased awareness amongst generations, and have grown in size and location, prompting policy makers to take notice.

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  • How To Get Meat Eaters To Eat More Plant-Based Foods? Make Their Mouths Water

    Red meat consumption requires a great deal of water and land resources to produce and is even responsible for a large amount of greenhouse gases. To combat this, the Better Buying Lab is experimenting with marketing strategies to get people to buy more vegetarian and vegan items. After rebranding food with sensory descriptors like "Cuban" or "grilled", sales increased 13% in California and 76% in the UK. Influential brands like Panera are now increasing their efforts to continue this trend.

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  • These probiotics for plants help farms suck up extra carbon dioxide

    A startup called Locus Agricultural Solutions has created a "probiotic" for soil that uses a mixture of beneficial fungi and bacteria. Not only does it increase productivity of crops, but it also absorbs enough carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere per acre to offset the emissions of a passenger vehicle. Tests done on an orange grove in Florida showed that areas treated with the product took up an extra 4.38 metric tons of CO2 per acre.

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  • St. Petersburg roaster Black Crow is first zero-waste coffee shop in Florida

    Black Crow Coffee Co. is the first certified zero-waste business in the state of Florida, meaning that 90% of their waste does not go into the landfill. They achieved this after 6 months of dedication to the mission, including composting 15,000 lbs and recycling 1,820 lbs of organic waste, reusing rags, and phasing out single-use plastic cleaning products.

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  • Restoring the Range: Can Beef Be Earth-Friendly?

    Mortenson Cattle Ranch in Hayes, South Dakota is redefining sustainability practices for cattle-raising farmers by using a model that restored the habitat, wildlife, and water sources on their land. Mimicking the habits of bison herds, the Mortensons use a technique called holistic range management to rotate their cattle's grazing areas, which increases distribution of wildflower and grass seeds, as well as planting trees and replenishing groundwater using dikes and dams. Having started this in the 1980s, 90% of their 19,000 acre property is back to native vegetation, and efforts are still ongoing.

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  • On-the-ground pollution data spurred stricter zoning in Los Angeles

    In Boyle Heights, a working class neighborhood of Los Angeles, members of the community have taken to the streets armed with clipboards and pens to document environmental hazards, zoning violations, and and other things that endanger their fellow residents. They then took this on-the-ground information, which they called "ground truths," to local politicians to advocate for change.

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