Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Blue-state doctors launch abortion pill pipeline into states with bans

    Europe-based Aid Access is now allowing U.S. medical professionals in certain democrat-led states with abortion “shield” laws to prescribe and mail abortion pills to patients in anti-abortion states. There are currently seven U.S. providers working with Aid Access under the protection of their state’s shield laws and have since mailed 3,500 doses of abortion pills to those in need.

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  • Amid An Intense Election Cycle, An Initiative Made Voting Easy For Nigeria's Senior Citizens

    To encourage older people to vote amid targeted intimidation and harassment, Age Nigeria Foundation held regular seminars built around political education and also provided emotional support through daily phone calls and access to psychologists. The organization also covered the cost of transportation to the polls, allowing senior citizens who had been hesitant to vote to cast their ballots.

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  • Through Meditation and Therapy, Black Men Are Taking Care of Their Mental Health

    Black Men Heal Yoga is a free yoga class that provides a safe, healing space for Black men looking to explore tools like meditation, mindfulness and movement to combat stigma and take care of their mental health. Black Men Heal Yoga is funded by money raised through social media. 10 classes have been held so far, with more than 50 men being served and about $2,000 in donations being raised.

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  • The new approach to ending FGM that's showing promise in Kenya

    The Girl Generation (TGG) practices intergenerational healing and provides trauma-informed support to women who have survived female genital mutilation (FGM). TGG aims for FGM to be recognized as a form of sexual violence rather than a cultural practice and does so by hosting mother-daughter forums for generations to cope and heal from their traumas together. TGG estimates they’ve reached about 300 women and girls so far, with hopes to expand the group to other communities.

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  • Oakland's MACRO has responded to thousands of calls. Very few were sent over by the police

    When concern arose that the police was not the appropriate department to respond to all non-violent, non-emergency calls, the Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland program was created to do so. The program’s responders are civilian workers who check on community-member reports of things like people sleeping in public, public indecency and reported behavioral issues.

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  • Hate crimes are increasing in California. The state is hoping a hotline can help

    LA vs. Hate is a hotline service and support network that allows victims of hate crimes and hate incidents to report their experiences and access counseling and other support. Since 2019, 2,171 people have submitted a report to the program, and California has now launched a statewide initiative following LA vs. Hate’s model.

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  • Trees like women best: Nepal's forests thrive with female bosses

    The Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal manages the country’s community forest. For the past 30 years, the organization made a point to ensure half of its employees are women, and that women have access to leadership roles. As a result, a path has opened for more women to work in politics and the forests managed by women are thriving the most.

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  • Dignified toilets: A welcome relief for people with disabilities 

    “AGATEBE” was developed to help make it easier for the elderly and people with disabilities to access toilets. It is a portable, durable, low-cost toilet chair that is easier to use than traditional latrine pits. So far, more than 5,000 have been sold.

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  • The money wives in Cross River State

    The Basic Rights Counsel Initiative in Cross River State, Nigeria, teaches women who were forced into marriage and slavery as young girls the skills necessary to start their own businesses and support themselves and their children.

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  • Moved by Experience: PWD-led Initiative is Building Safe Space for Persons with Disabilities in Borno 

    Via educational workshops, the provision of mobility devices, and entrepreneurial support, a Polio-survivor-led initiative in Nigeria is reducing stigmas about disabilities and helping eradicate polio diseases. Since 2017, the crowd-funded group has assisted more than 200 people with disabilities and reduced the number of folks who have to ask for alms on the streets.

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