Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nice White Parents: We Know It When We See It

    A Brooklyn school district has changed the zoning and middle school admission process to racially integrate schools and level the playing field. White children previously gained admission to schools with the most resources based on impressive grades and extracurricular activities. The new system is based on a lottery and can not screen students for test results or attendance. Black and Latino families have been demanding change since 1950, but this change was a result of the efforts of white parents. Critics question whether the motive was equality or anger over too many white kids kept out of good schools.

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  • Is It Finally Time For Year Round School

    Long summer vacations are a tradition in the United States, but some school districts are challenging the long-standing notion of summer break by using a different model—year-round school. School districts around the U.S. are considering adopting the model in the near future to combat the "COVID slide." School districts in Texas are finding that a year-round school calendar has helped students with former summer food insecurity and provides students who may be falling behind, a chance to catch up without a multiple-month summer interruption to their education.

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  • Remote Learning Progress Report: Technology another barrier for English-language learners

    School districts across New Hampshire had to find new ways of teaching English as a Second Language students during the pandemic when classes switched to virtual learning. Some districts used volunteers and community liaisons to relay information, while others established informal monitoring programs to keep track of ESL students. Teachers used technology like Google translate and WhatsApp to help them translate. Throughout the state teachers shared resources with each other.

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  • The simple intervention that could lift kids out of ‘Covid slide'

    Tutoring has a longstanding reputation of being an effective measure in helping students stay on-track with their school subjects, but it also costs money. Schools around the U.S. are considering ways to stretch their budgets to extend tutoring to as many students as possible. Increasing group numbers per tutor, using stipend-funded volunteers, and non-certified teachers rather than certified tutors, and making tutoring a class-time activity are some of the ways schools could help support students and avoid learning losses, while taking limited budgets into account.

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  • How Libraries Stretch Their Capabilities to Serve Kids During a Pandemic

    Summer, which is usually the busiest season for libraries around the United States, brought with it challenges due to the pandemic, but resourceful librarians innovated ways to connect with their most valuable patrons. In Chattanooga, Tennessee librarians recorded what would have been an in-person craft lesson and posted it on their YouTube channel. In St. Louis, Missouri, the public library loaned out Chromebooks and hot spots to families to increase accessibility to virtual programming. While the pandemic poses limitations, librarians are seizing the opportunity to try new things and keep students engaged.

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  • How 2 New York Schools Became Models for Coping in a Pandemic

    Mott Haven and Broome Street Academy serve students in the child welfare system and at-risk students. Before the pandemic, they were already preparing for crisis intervention. The two have provided students with services that fall outside of the educational spectrum, things like cash grants and weekly counseling. By doing so, they hope students can focus on classes. Now, they might be a model for other schools around the country.

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  • A.D.A. Now!

    Congress' passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30 years ago made life-changing advances for millions of people with all manner of disabilities. Beyond removing physical barriers and opening education, employment, and public accommodations, it also opened minds to see people with disabilities as fully human – a barrier that had existed historically. The protests and lobbying to put a civil rights lens on these barriers as discrimination got the law enacted, but social change is still a work in progress.

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  • How 'the most violent' special education school ended restraint and seclusion

    Centennial School in Pennsylvania has dramatically reduced its need for student restraint over the last 20 year, challenging the notion that seclusion or restraint is an option when dealing with students with disabilities. Its approach replaces previous drastic measures and instead relies on teaching what good behavior looks like rather than punishment, placing two teachers in the classroom rather than one, and increase emphasis on weekly professional development.

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  • Black Tech Mobilizes to Beat the Youth ‘Summer Slide'

    Pandemic-induced uncertainty for schools, and their students, is creating wider learning gaps, especially for Black and Latino students. Two nonprofits, The Hidden Genius Project and INTech Camp for Girls, both of which provide STEM-focused learning for middle and high school students, are shifting their previously in-person programming to a new virtual landscape by hosting virtual summer camps, specialized Zoom learning sessions, and developing ambassador programs.

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  • 30 Years Later: How The ADA Changed Life For People With Disabilities

    The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) mandated public places, businesses, facilities, and schools make accommodations for people with disabilities, including ramps, accessible entrances and bathrooms, and designated parking spaces. The ADA also makes discrimination against people with disabilities illegal, establishes a nationwide communication system for people with speech or hearing impairments, and encourages community-based services over institutionalization. While accessibility and discrimination can still be problems, the ADA has allowed people with disabilities to live independently.

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