Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Is California saving higher education?

    Defying the national trend, California is increasing its higher education budget through innovative solutions. Opening food banks on campus and an online community college, are just some of those ways the state is using to stretch its budget.

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  • Z chlapca z osady je mentor, šikanované rómske dievča študuje na vysokej

    Rómsky vzdelávací fond na Slovensku pomáha deťom z rómskej komunity, ktorá v sebe nesie historickú stopu sociálnych a ekonomických znevýhodnení, ako aj etnickej diskriminácie, prekonať problémy pri ukončení strednej školy a pokračovaní vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní. Fond funguje tak, že študentom, ktorí spĺňajú podmienky, poskytuje štipendium na úhradu vzdelávacích pomôcok, ako aj školské poradenstvo a osobné mentorstvo, ktoré pomáha študentom aj rodičom prekonať sociálne prekážky, ktoré bránia študentom v túžbe alebo schopnosti naplniť svoj potenciál.

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  • How Cleveland revamped its preschool programs in just five years

    With $14 million in public and private funding, Cleveland transformed its early childhood education offerings in just five years. The partnership called PRE4CLE provided intensive support and funding for staff education and salaries, curricula, classroom supplies, renovations, and more.

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  • A Colorado college boosts income share agreements for DACA students

    Colorado Mountain College has figured out a way to help its undocumented students, who are usually unable to qualify for scholarships, pursue an education by helping them pay through income sharing agreements. The agreements are a contract between the school and the student, but the students' loan incurs no interest, meaning they won't be overloaded with unpayable debt when they finish their degree. CMC has also capped its loan amounts at $3,000 per year, and when students graduate their repayment rate is "4% of the borrower's earned income once that income surpasses $30,000."

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  • A New Housing Program to Fight Poverty has an Unexpected History

    The long-term results of the Gautreaux program, which was intended to reduce poverty, show upward mobility for children of families that were involved in the initiative. The experiment in desegregating neighborhoods led to the relocation of families from public housing projects to suburban neighborhoods which have vital resources like quality education, proximity to jobs, and public safety. Reducing the concentration of poverty from inner cities led to fewer social problems, with the exception of racism faced by the new Black residents in predominantly white neighborhoods.

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  • When Resilience Starts With the City's Most Vulnerable Youth

    Tallahassee is coordinating its youth development, violence prevention, and climate adaptation efforts to help out-of-work and out-of-school youth earn their GED and secure jobs helping to shape the city's climate resilience plan. One of the ways the program works is by enrolling participants in apprenticeships within local public works departments and puts them on track to get the required licensing for employment. So far, 640 teens and young adults have participated in the program.

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  • This Top Gifted and Talented School Is Integrated. Is It the Future?

    Amidst controversy over gifted programs in New York City, a school in Harlem believes it can offer an alternative model with an admissions policy that bakes in diversity. The school has designated almost half of the spots in its incoming kindergarten class to disadvantaged students, and “the parent-teacher association encourages local East Harlem parents to apply.” But these policies may not work for other gifted schools, who see the diversity of its student body drop lower and lower every year.

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  • Welcome to Spanish Week: The promise of dual language education

    A school district in New Mexico is finding success with a dual language education program. A regular school day for an elementary school student in a Gadsen school district school might entail reviewing their math or history in Spanish or English, depending on the assigned language that week. “Our bilingual programs are not just for English learners, they’re for all of our students," Mayra Valtierrez, the director of language and culture at the New Mexico Public Education Department, said. "That’s something that’s unique to our state."

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  • A College Education in Prison Opens Unexpected Path to Freedom

    California is leading the nation in prison education. “There are now in-person community college classes in all but one prison in the state, enrolling some 4,000 students." Nationally, 4 percent of higher ed institutions teach for-credit classes in prisons. “It's been the most amazing experience of my entire life, as either a free man or as an incarcerated human being." Evidence shows that providing people in prison with education reduces recidivism rates. “A major study by the RAND Corporation found taking classes in prison cuts the chances of getting locked up again by 43%.”

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  • Community hopes 'Purpose Built' revitalization model enlivens into Ridgecrest neighborhood

    Eighteen "purpose built communities" across America have revitalized neighborhoods through a comprehensive approach that includes building mixed-income housing, providing better educational opportunities and offering health and wellness services. The model focuses on establishing a strong "cradle-to-college education pipeline" which attracts upper-income families and creates socio-economic diversity. Community centers, green spaces, and grocery stores all revitalize and bring new development to these neighborhoods. Rivercrest, a neighborhood in Montgomery, Alabama is seeking to replicate the model.

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