Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Black Fire Brigade gives $30K to train 30 South, West Side young adults as EMTs Audio icon

    Black firefighters in Chicago launched the nation's first organization aimed at mentoring young men and women of color and helping them prepare for the firefighters exam. It's a way to combat inner city violence and address a long history of discriminatory hiring. The Black Fire Brigade raised more than $30,000 to help 30 young people with the costs of a course in emergency medical technician training and will also provide them with job placement after they gain their certification.

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  • Two Years Ago, Cincinnati Voted to Fund a $15 Million Pre-K Program for Struggling Families. Now More Than 1,300 Kids Have Gotten a Leg Up on Kindergarten

    In 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio voters overwhelmingly approved a new program that would help more than 1,300 low-income families gain access to quality preschools. Not only does the program, called Preschool Promise, offer financial assistance for tuition, but they also work with additional preschools to get their programs up to speed to qualify for the program. Testimonials from parents say that it has changed their children's lives.

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  • Indiana's free pre-K: Adored by parents, beset with growing pains

    Since 2014, low-income parents who enroll their children in Indiana's state grant program, On My Way Pre-K, have watched their students gain important literacy skills and self-confidence. However, only four percent of the state's qualifying four year olds currently participate in the initiative. Teachers are now brainstorming strategies to eliminate barriers to parents applying for the funding.

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  • Keby sme boli Rómovia, z Británie by sme sa už nevrátili

    V ostrom kontraste s ich slovenskou vlasťou, Anglicko otvorilo svoju náruč rómskym prisťahovalcom a ponúklo im súbor opatrení, ktoré im majú pomôcť uspieť v ich novej krajine. Rómovia, ktorí sa stali obeťami rasizmu na oboch miestach, ale najmä medzi Slovákmi, dostávajú v Anglicku zdravotné poradenstvo a pomoc pri vzdelávaní, ktorých podstatou je inklúzia. Napríklad britská politika v oblasti školskej dochádzky zvýšila dochádzku rómskych detí o 30 percent a len málo z nich je posunutých do špeciálnych škôl.

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  • A summer school program uses the arts to combat the achievement gap

    A Baltimore nonprofit uses arts programming to engage students in educational activities over the summer to combat learning loss. The director of differentiated learning for the district explains, "They don't even realize we're doing math and literacy instruction because we're having so much fun." Program administrators believe models like this are important in decreasing the persistent achievement gap.

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  • Somaliland Uses Phones to Help Improve Schools

    Similar to other countries in Africa, Somaliland is using technology to better education. There, an estimated 150,000 parents use a free-mobile messaging tool to communicate about school conditions with the government. The capital of Somaliland engages in “community scorecards,” a mobile survey of thousands of students and their parents regarding their schooling.

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  • Door Step School Brings Education to Out-of-School Children in India

    The Door Step School group is making education accessible to disadvantaged communities across India. Part of that approach included its mobile classroom, School on Wheels, where a bus with a driver, instructor, and a supervisor head out to different communities and host up to 50 pupils at a time.

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  • Farmworkers Feed Us. How Do We Support Their Kids?

    Children of farmworker families, many of whom travel seasonally during the school year, often need help filling gaps in the curriculum. Since the 1960s, the Migrant Education Program has been providing states with access to federal education funds meant to assist the children of migrant families with meeting educational requirements.. The money is used to provide different levels of support, from summer instruction to specialized curricula, in the states that continue to accept funding.

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  • For refugees in Kenya, an education in hope

    Far from its location in Boston, Southern New Hampshire University is offering refugees at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya a shot at getting an education. SNHU offers associate's and bachelor’s online degree programs in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, and Lebanon. A degree could be life changing, given that only 1 percent of refugees have access to higher education. The online program is “self-paced, offered in English, and costs less.” So far, 84 have enrolled and 24 have graduated.

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  • Adaptive Technology Programs Turn to Robotics and IoT to Help People Who Have Disabilities

    Governments and schools are investing in technology to better serve people of different abilities. Innovations include text-to-911 for deaf and hard-of-hearing citizens, robotic telepresence for remote students, and the Vitals app, which allows families and caregivers to alert police officers of ways to help developmentally disabled family members.

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